The Bunny Chat Thread - For Bunny Owners

Thanks so much for replying! I just need to keep the princess from digging out. No breeding here, just 2 bunnies that I want to provide the best possible life.

OOPSIES! Yes, we have 2’ of rabbit wire fence down around the perimeter. We have a local fox so I put their fence in the middle of the wire, which gives me a foot on either side of the fence in terms of ground protection. So far no attempts at digging out or in. The rabbits prefer to dig around the tree stumps that I left in their pens.
So how has everyone and their rabbits been? :) I haven't seen any posts in a few days--and I've been busy myself.

I've been working the winter camps these past 2 days at the barn I ride at, so I've barely been able to see my rabbits since I'm gone all day so last night I had the lovely surprise of Lion, my one bun, having an irritated eye again. I can't remember who on here suggested it to me, but I still had some chamomile tea bags left from when he had irritated eyes a few weeks ago, so I did a compress right away with him.

His eye is looking good this morning, although I did notice a little white spot in it. The spot is down toward the bottom of the eye. I totally forgot to get a picture of it since I didn't have my phone on me, but I can get one later if anyone wants.

Anyways, I have no idea if a white spot means a cataract or if he's just going blind in that eye? Anyone know? I think google is just gonna tell me he's got a cataract or is dying... 😅 I've checked the other one and it isn't irritated, so its just his left eye. When I pull his lid up, that eye is pretty bloodshot too.
It sounds like his eye issue might be beyond what chamomile can clear up (I'm the one who suggested it). It might be time to try an opthalmic ointment or go to a vet. Chamomile is good if you have a little redness/irritation/discharge - it's soothing and cleanses and supports the natural immune system but that's it. Once a problem is progressing to the point that the body isn't successfully fighting it off any more, it's useless. If the eye problems are serious it could be a strong infection
It sounds like his eye issue might be beyond what chamomile can clear up (I'm the one who suggested it). It might be time to try an opthalmic ointment or go to a vet. Chamomile is good if you have a little redness/irritation/discharge - it's soothing and cleanses and supports the natural immune system but that's it. Once a problem is progressing to the point that the body isn't successfully fighting it off any more, it's useless. If the eye problems are serious it could be a strong infection
Okay, thank you for letting me know. His eyes haven't been bothering him at all these past couple of weeks, but I worry that's it's getting worse too now that that eye has a spot in it. I think the chamomile has helped his symptoms a bit, or at least his eye hasn't gotten anymore watery/red yet. I'd probably want to try the opthalmic ointment first, since it's probably cheaper than a vet lol, but I guess I have to take it one step at a time and monitor him closely. If he needs the vet I'll take him, of course.

What kind of opthalmic ointment do you suggest? I could probably see if it's sold anywhere near here and run up and get it today, so I can get on top of this as fast as possible. I really hope it isn't serious. His irritated eyes come and go and aren't very frequent, but I've long wondered if it might develop into something more serious. I'll have to look up more about eye infections in rabbits and see if I can find anything.
Okay, thank you for letting me know. His eyes haven't been bothering him at all these past couple of weeks, but I worry that's it's getting worse too now that that eye has a spot in it. I think the chamomile has helped his symptoms a bit, or at least his eye hasn't gotten anymore watery/red yet. I'd probably want to try the opthalmic ointment first, since it's probably cheaper than a vet lol, but I guess I have to take it one step at a time and monitor him closely. If he needs the vet I'll take him, of course.

What kind of opthalmic ointment do you suggest? I could probably see if it's sold anywhere near here and run up and get it today, so I can get on top of this as fast as possible. I really hope it isn't serious. His irritated eyes come and go and aren't very frequent, but I've long wondered if it might develop into something more serious. I'll have to look up more about eye infections in rabbits and see if I can find anything.

I would suggest a vet in this situation for a pet rabbit but I use terramycin ophthalmic ointment, it's like $20. It is terramycin - an antibiotic - so it's for treating minor bacterial infections of the eye. I use it for bad cases of pink eye and nest box eye, minor infections that don't clear up with the chamomile. I had to order it online but TSC has it sometimes.

I'm a big proponent of tailoring your care to the severity of the symptoms. A spot in the eye could be minor or serious. It could be almost anything. A tiny bit of redness and weepiness probably isn't. I don't mess about with holistics when something has the potential to be serious or is getting worse. If this is a strong broader system infection like pasturella, cataracts, a virus, or a tumor the terramycin won't do anything.
I attempted to get a picture of the white spot in his eye...I also noticed that the left eye (the one with the problem) has got a few more cloudy white spots in the pupil, although it was too hard to get a picture. They arent as white or as prominent as the one spot here in the picture.

It's at the bottom of his eye, sorry it's not a great pic.

This one you cant see the whole eye well but you can clearly see the spot.
I see the cloudy spot - it could be just a little scratch, my dogs eye looked like that when she scratched her eye. But obviously I'm not a trained MVD and I don't have the equipment to look at it closely. You could try the ointment and see it it clears up but it may need something stronger.

Does he paw at his face a lot?
I would suggest a vet in this situation for a pet rabbit but I use terramycin ophthalmic ointment, it's like $20. It is terramycin - an antibiotic - so it's for treating minor bacterial infections of the eye. I use it for bad cases of pink eye and nest box eye, minor infections that don't clear up with the chamomile. I had to order it online but TSC has it sometimes.

I'm a big proponent of tailoring your care to the severity of the symptoms. A spot in the eye could be minor or serious. It could be almost anything. A tiny bit of redness and weepiness probably isn't. I don't mess about with holistics when something has the potential to be serious or is getting worse. If this is a strong broader system infection like pasturella, cataracts, a virus, or a tumor the terramycin won't do anything.
Alright, I agree. It could be anything. I added some pictures right now above--I could see about getting the antibiotics; it doesn't hurt to have them on hand anyways. The eye isn't as weepy today, although the white spot and the extra cloudiness (mentioned above with the pics) is making me wonder. I certainly don't want it to get worse.

I see the cloudy spot - it could be just a little scratch, my dogs eye looked like that when she scratched her eye. But obviously I'm not a trained MVD and I don't have the equipment to look at it closely. You could try the ointment and see it it clears up but it may need something stronger.

Does he paw at his face a lot?
Yeah, it's possible its just a scratch. He doesn't paw at his face at all that I know of. He just grooms himself after I've done the chamomile bags, but otherwise nothing. I can see if any place sells the ointment just to see if it could help, but I may have to order it online.
Hi everyone. I'm usually on here for chicken chat, but my daughter just got a bunny for Christmas (dwarf double maned lion head) and its been a few decades since I've had a bunny!! This one will be a house bunny. We picked him up yesterday. He is 7/8 weeks old. He has been very inquisitive and friendly so far... any tips on getting him potty trained? we have the food at his litter box in the cage, and were told to not feed him any where else/keep moving poops to little box etc..if he pees, clean with vinegar etc... so he can't smell any accidents. He's also not as cuddly as my daughter wishes. Is there a way to make him more cuddly/less active? LOL

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