The Chick Challenge: 18 Chicks Need an ID

#1 barred rock
#2 - barred rock betting cockeral
#3- cuckoo maran
#4 no idea maybe a brown leghorn?? lol
#5 - OEG

#11-12 BUFF Cochins (i had some youngsters once - they were the same color) - they are the same in color as the buff orphingtons correct? they are not white - they will dark like the orps and be buff.

#13 looks like the other 11-12 BUT I see muffs/beard which out of cochin/d'uccle I have to say its a d'uccle....don't know the color - maybe white or gold neck

#14 cochin (not sure on color however - maybe splash)

#15 #16 - MILLE FLEUR D'uccle. (I have hatched and raised around 30 this year - so I recognize them well - lol )

#17 #18 - SILVER LACED Cochins
HAHAHA I didn't even see that little guy!

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