The CHICKEN MATH Contest- Who has the worst case?

Well I got like a dozen bantams from my mom when my dad passed away 4 yrs ago. Then 2 yrs ago I just wanted a few layers for fresh eggs. Well now I have 170 chickens, 3 ducks, 4 turkeys and 3 incubators going at all times...l.opps....I'd say severe math problems
We were going to get five laying hens.
We fell in love with all the breeds.
Came home with 45 chicks.

So, we got 40 extra than we originally planned for.

But so many have died that we're down to 19: 9 standard hens, 6 bantam hens, and 4 roosters.
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Wanted just enough to get eggs for my family and thats it right? Wrong! Started out with 6 New Hampshire reds and an old tin garage converted to house them. I have currently begun construction on Fort Cluck lol, Which is a 10x12 coop with a 890 sq ft run. Now only have 5 of the original reds plus 3 buff orphingtons, 2 barred rocks, 2 jersey giants, 2 partridge rocks, 3 cuckoo marans, 3 red sex links and a Rhode Island red rooster with plans to build a smaller coop to get some silkies ( my other half thinks they are cute) so we are addicts. 16 extra so far = moderate
Ok we planned on 4 layers

we have now
6 plymouth rocks
3 red sex links
3 easter eggers
3 barred rocks
3 silver laced wyandotte

Also just ordered from the local store 75 meat birds but they will be a staggered delivery 25 in April, 25 in May and 25 in June. we also plan on ordering 50 in September

So the max at one time there will 93 but there will be 143 Chickens on my property

Also we now have 22 Quail and just ordered 96 more hatching eggs so lets say they hatch at 50% I will have 70 quail

Also Chukars I now have 20 of them and also plan on hatching them not sure how many but my plan is to have 40

Also coming in April is 6 Broad breasted white turkeys

To come June I will have 75 meat Birds, 18 Layers, 70+ Quail asi plan on keeping the bator going, 40 Chukars, 6 Turkeys

that gives me 209 not including the 50 layers in the fall and any moreQuail or Chukars that I plan on hatching. I think that puts me in the extreme deadly

Of and we have 4 rabbits which 2 are due in 2 weeks so that number will grow as well

At first it was to save money (laughing at that one) then it turned into wanting to know where my food came from and it is addicting
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Ok so we planned for 2 ducks and 2 bantams

We came home with
2 ducks (1 hen 1 drake)

4 Bantams mixed breed straight run
2 Red sexlink pullets.

unfortunately we lost 2 bantams and the 2 sexlinks to fire.
I ordered 4 more sexlink pullets who are due on the 27th of the month.

we now have the hen and drake ducks. one spangled oegb pullet and a self blue oegb roo. plus the 4 babies that I am going to pick up on the 27th.
I have to admit I know this breeder has silkies and i adore them.... I may end up with 2 or so of those too.

so that puts us at 2 ducks 6 chickens with a possiblity of 8

luckily I just finished my 8x8 coop today, just in time!!! :D
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Wanted 5 layers..
Bought 5 layers.
One died.
Bought one more.
One more died.
Bought 4 more.
Now there is 8..
Over the year 4 more died
Have 4..
Wanted 5 so I bought
15 babies of which 5 easter eggers, 2 BLRW, 2 GLW, 2 light brown leghorns, 2 black copper marans, 2 barred rocks.
My 4 original left are 1 slw, 1 gold star, 2 black sex links.

the ones that died were 1 glw, 1 deleware, 1 gold star, 1 light brown leghorn, 1 buff cochin, 1 buff orpington.

If I had my way.. I also would have a couple cows and pigs, Heck maybe some turkeys too..

I would say I have a moderate case but only because my boyfriend keeps me in check.. But he loves the little chickies as much as I do..

There are still more chickens I would like to have :)
We started with 4 rir's and bantams from the local orscheln. Then after trying out meaties and seeing all the "lonely" and colorful chicks out there we have one year old cornish X, two laying easter eggers and one jumbo, and I mean JUMBO, Barred Rock Rooster. Then there are the 20 juvenile birds that have about 1 month to go before they start laying. They include 3 black australorps; 2 cherry eggers; 2 easter eggers; 4 california whites; 2 buff orpingtons; 3 black sex links; 2 black rainbow layers; 3 barred rocks; and the 2 pullets i got from a lady who didnt want the barnyard mutts. There are also 12 7 pound cornish crosses with those that are going to freezer camp in 10 days. Now we have also the older babies 4 cuckoo marans; 1 royal palm turkey; 5 bronze breasted turkeys; 4 barred rocks; 3 buff brahmas; 4 "ameracaunas; 2 welsummers; and a few more that i cant remember right now. Next door to them are the 33 4 week old cornish crosses that go to camp in 5 more weeks. Now we have the indoor brooders. In my daughters room there are 6 new hampshire reds, and 2 bantams; 3 salmon faverolles and 5 speckled sussex's. And finally the babies that arrived two days ago from ohmamma; 21 gorgeous, fuzzy, beautiful, healthy blu, splash and black copper Marans. So I have a whole bunch of them, so many I really do not know how many I have. It all started with the two rir and 2 bantams we picked up from the co-op two years ago. Ok forgot the rir rooster and the ameracana rooster that are going to be used for 2 diffrent projects I have planned.
Wanted 6 Bantams

Got 6 bantams
1 died
Got 4 red sexlink and 2 SLWs
Found out some chickens lay blue/green eggs
Got 3 Easter Eggers
Found out I have 1 EE Roo, a Dark cornish cross roo and a OEGB Roo
Decided I want to try my hand at hatching eggs
Building a incubator (I'm handy with DIY projects)
Discovered Polish, Araucana and Cochins are beautiful
Going to get a couple of each by end of the year....

Sooo I originally wanted 6, Now have 14, going to have at least 20 by the end of the year plus any chicks I hatch....That's only mild right?
I'm so glad to see it's not just me! Started with 9 laying hens (2 RiR, 3BR,3BA), 1 rooster, then had to go buy 15 mixed reds, then another 40 reds, found a great deal on straight run of Black Australorps and added another 18. Then I had to try my hand at incubating, so as of today 103 birds all together and waiting to see if the last 10 eggs hatch. lol could be at 113 by the morning. I love it!

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