The chicken maths got me!

We should SO rename this thread "Who likes colorful flocks?" lol! That's a wonderful collection, Nelson 90! And dang, I totally forgot about the EEs and Ameraucanas -- I'd love to have some blue eggs!

How do you like your Orpingtons? They're a breed I haven't ventured into yet, simply because I haven't gotten a sense that they have any one outstanding feature that some other breed doesn't have. What do you like best about them?
the buff orpingtongs are such pretty girls and so sweet except when they are in the nesting box thats when they puff up and double in size and growl other than that sweet girls very fun to watch peck around very good layers i have no complaints about them all around awesome

Nelson forgot to mention the 5 turkeys and 2 ducks.

We went to the feed store to get breeds that lay pretty colored eggs ... wanting dark brown and blue, green, etc. But they had already pre-sold all the Marans and all the EEs, so in our disappointment we reserved some of just about everything else (and ended up with one Cuckoo Marans and a few EEs anyway cuz other people didn't come to claim the birds they'd reserved, and we hovered over the brooders waiting to scoop up all the strays). The guy helping us at the feed store suggested Buff Orpingtons ... he said they were extra special ... I can see why he thinks so. I think they are good birds, very pretty and decently mellow but not overly friendly or flighty. The rooster is super sweet, big and beautiful. Ours are just hatchery quality birds, and still soft and fluffy and pretty -- only the Black Austrolorps are softer. Show quality Buff Orpingtons are stunning sturdy fluffballs. I've read they tolerate cold well -- though the rooster has a big comb, so that may be an issue; they didn't seem to enjoy the few days we had here this summer up into the 90s and low 100s. I'm curious to see how the deal with wet weather ... we haven't had any since the birds went outside, which is unusual for Oregon. All the birds are getting puffier as the nights cool, so the Orpingtons are getting even prettier. The Orpingtons don't lay the biggest eggs (the Golden Sexlinks do) ... a light brownish pink color that look cool in a mixed dozen.

If you get BOs, you might want to arrange nesting boxes with a hinged lid so you can reach in behind them to collect the eggs ... they let you do that but don't like to be approached from the front while in the box. The can be nesting box hogs, too.
What beautiful birds, Nelson! (Sorry for taking so long to see your post!) I'm making my first venture into orpingtons next spring with some lemon-barreds I have on order :) so thanks for the tip on the nesting boxes!

Broke down and got four Narragansett eggs, too -- they're in the incubator along with one slate gray turkey and eight German NH eggs -- only on day two so I have no idea how they're doing yet... Leslie, yeah, I like the colorful egg basket too :) Cuckoo marans and wellies for the dark eggs, I've got some crested cream legbars coming next spring for blue, a handful of pretty white egg-layers just for fun (golden lakenvelder, ancona, silver spangled hamburg) so by next fall it should be a VERY colorful basket, lol!

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