the chicken name contest MORE CATEGORITES!!!! need 1 more judges

this contest is not going till i get 5 judges so if you would like to be a judge just pm me if not can you enter i also need more people to enter
there are more categories so if you like a different catogories and would like to enter a different one you can
breed: lavender orpington
entering:best hen name
age:4-5 months

i named her shadow because when we went to pick her up she was free ranged and the guy said that she followed him like a shadow so we thought that shadow would be a good name for her and she kind of looks like a shadow
here is a pic of shadow

the pic is when she first came home so she is bigger now that is like a month ago
I dont have any pics, my phone wont let me upload. But..
Best roo name - Maggie, 12month old Light Sussex, was originally a sweet natured 'hen' and is still referred to as 'She/her' even though he's our main man now.
Best hen name - Schnitzel, 12month old NotSoSilkie Bantam X, named by a 10yr old who thought it was a hilarious name for a chicken.

Best quail names - Mr & Mrs, both button quail, both 2yrs old, they bonded naturally with each other and have been inseperable ever since. They are my best breeding pair.
Entering Best male Pheasant Name
Golden Pheasant
5 months

Cool Dude
I picked name because he thinks he is soooo cool!!

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Breed: Coturnix Tuxedo Quail
Entering:Best Male Quail Name
Age: 5 Weeks
Name: Pistachio

I call him Pistachio, because you can never have just one pistachio. I love the Tuxedo pattern, but he is the only one that I have so far. I am hoping to hatch more in the future so he won't be the odd quail out.

The bird in the middle, she is now 1 year old, and is a California White. At the time my flock consisted of Cherry Eggers, Brown Leghorns and Gold Laced Wyandottes, all dark colors.


we call her...... Little White girl

ETA: breed
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