The Chickendad Chronicles

New Life

A few weeks ago, the Chickendads were surprised to receive a package in the mail. They hadn’t ordered anything, so could not figure out what it was. It had come from a Barbara fan (I-Have-Happy-Hens) who felt bad that Barbara had gone on her last big adventure, and so sent a dozen eggs for the incubator. What a nice surprise!

Mrs. Chickendad installed the eggs in the nursery and left them sleeping for the required three weeks. Last Tuesday, the babies that had decided to wake up started working their way out of their green shells. Eventually, four babies woke up and toddled about the incubator until they were dry and fluffy. Mrs. Chickendad had set up the broody house with a mama for them, and she accepted the babies without quibbling. The little birchen cochin hen spread herself out to the size of a dinner plate and tucked all four babies under her. After they settled down, they started to poke their heads out from mama like little ornaments on a Christmas tree.

They seem to be silkie/EE mixes. Two have five toes, two have crests, and most have fluffy cheeks. They are extremely cute and a pleasant distraction from the loss of the other birds. Thank you, “I Have Happy Hens” for the new babies!


The Chickendads screwed up their courage and took some birds to the Michigan FowlFest this past weekend. Of course, the birds they had planned on taking decided to molt right down to their underwear, so were not looking so grand. Bobby in particular, is a mess. He has one sickle feather sticking straight up from his used-to-be-beautiful backside, and the ladies ate off his beard again. Mrs. Chickendad has never cared for beards on her man, so she figures maybe the wheaten girls don’t either. Or else the beards just taste good.

Mrs. Chickendad's good friend and fellow BYCer Audbun came and helped wash and blow dry birds earlier in the week, which was a tremendous help. Audbun then went to a bunny show and got another leg on her doe's championship. See? Karma—what goes around comes around!

In any case, most of the birds they took did pretty well. No one made Champion Row, but it was a respectable showing and a lot of fun. Mrs. Chickendad cooped out Sunday morning, and then pooped out. She caught some sort of bug and spent the rest of the day in bed with the TV clicker. Today is Continue to Paint the House Before the Good Weather Runs Out Day, so hopefully resting yesterday has done the trick and Mrs. Chickendad will be able to help.

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