The Chickendad Chronicles

I just had rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder on Nov. 1 - pm me if you have any questions about my experience with all of this. Damage was caused by...moving a chicken coop and attached run by myself. Of course, it was a chicken injury!

Hey - I have something in common with Mrs Chickendad! OK, not something fun, or pleasant, or even something I would wish on my worst enemy (well maybe my worstest worst enemy), but at least something...
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather Ms. Chickendad. People as kind as you don't deserve any hardships

Just know that you have a loyal fan-following all praying for you
You are very dear to us all
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Due to the fact that Mrs. Chickendad is still fighting the shingles, she has not been out in the chicken pens lately to observe the latest activities there. However, she has had enough adventures in the house to keep life interesting.

Chickenboy has been visiting and continues to tame roosters. Unfortunately he is taming roosters that will soon be going to freezer camp. Chickenboy was in a Christmas program at school last week. It was to begin at 7:30 p.m. At 5:00 p.m. he informed his mother (Chickendaughter?) that he needed a white shirt and black pants to wear for the concert, neither of which he had. Mrs. Chickendad smiled. Paybacks are wonderful. . .

Meanwhile back at the Chickendad’s, the cats, Louie and Roger have been entertaining. They have been ducking outside for a quick snack of grass, and then running back inside to make sure they threw it up on the carpet. Roger likes to sit on the dresser, so he threw up inside Mrs. Chickendad’s jewelry box. Mrs. Chickendad did not smile this time. Ewwwwwww!

Christmas preparations are going slowly. Mrs. Chckendad has made two batches of soda cracker toffee candy and both have been eaten to make sure they were okay. Shopping has not begun, even though it will be online, cards are not made out, and cookies are not baked. Needless to say, the tree is not up either.

To add insult to injury, Mrs. Chickendad toppled over the other day getting something out of the bottom dresser drawer, got a rug burn, and now has a huge black eye to complement her outfits. When questioned about it, she just says, “you should see the other guy!”

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