The chickens did it!


7 Years
May 6, 2012
Burns, Wyoming

Baby #1

The mamas. Not happy at all because I moved them. I had to isolate them as I noticed the other poultry over there bothering them now that they have hatchlings. Also, baby photobomb!

Of course now I have a pea hen who has decided to go broody. At least she picked a good spot. The cock was not happy with me for getting close. He stays in there with her. When he saw me coming he flew over and sat in front of her.

Here he is moving over to prevent me from seeing her.

Just hatched baby #2

2 more were peeping.

So I am a little concerned. The chickens will show them how to eat and drink right? I put both very close to them and I did try to show #1 where the water and food was by dipping its beak in them.
Congrats! But just as a warning, whenever I use large hens as broodies I end up loosing chicks from them getting stepped on just hours after hatching. Last year it was my only Bronze BS, and this year it was from an egg that I got from the largest peafowl breeder in NY, so it was probably a cool color. I have had much better luck with cochins.
Congrats! But just as a warning, whenever I use large hens as broodies I end up loosing chicks from them getting stepped on just hours after hatching. Last year it was my only Bronze BS, and this year it was from an egg that I got from the largest peafowl breeder in NY, so it was probably a cool color. I have had much better luck with cochins.
Full size cochins or banties?

Congrats! But just as a warning, whenever I use large hens as broodies I end up loosing chicks from them getting stepped on just hours after hatching. Last year it was my only Bronze BS, and this year it was from an egg that I got from the largest peafowl breeder in NY, so it was probably a cool color. I have had much better luck with cochins.
I debated moving them away from the chickens but they've been doing a good job. Hopefully I won't lose any.

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