The Chosen


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
A long forgotten prophecy that foretold of the destruction of the world is slowly coming true. Only a few notice it, who are called X-Sages. The first prophecy talked about "a new species of monsters that would dominate the world and eliminate all races in every dimension. The monsters would be so powerful even the most powerful in each dimension wouldn't be able to defeat them." And that's where the paper was cut off, until a sage recently found the other half... "Unless a chosen hero from each dimension were brought together. Their combined power would be able to defeat all the monsters and the world would be in peace forever. "

The sage sent word to each sage in every dimension, who spread the word on to others. People started to claim that they were the rightful hero of their dimension. The sages constructed a test that would determine if one was truly, the chosen hero. All had failed the test, and some even died trying. Hope started to fade and years passed as people waited for the chosen heroes of the world. Small signs of the monsters in cities and villages were shown, but no grave events occurred, luckily.

Dimensions- Each dimension has humans in them who live ordinarily lives.

The dimension of witches and mages. They use witchcraft or the power stored up in an object.
Earth- The dimension of humans. Every dimension has magical powers, including Earth. Very few humans are a special species, and can learn the powers of any dimension. However, they must first visit that dimension. Sometimes, they develop their own powers.
Aerth (Airth) - The dimension of ninjas. Ninjas roam the world and fight with the power of ninjutsu.
Urt- The dimension of shape shifters. They usually enter other dimensions as animals. Their real bodies rarely have the same skin color as those in other dimensions, and commonly have complex designs embedded on them.

The sages have decided that all chosen heroes should meet up in Earth at a special place called the cube, which is located under the bell tower in W.A State. There is a secret passcode you must say out loud, at the precise time in order for the hidden door to open. Information on this can only be found by a sage.

One dark Monday in three dimensions, three sages died mysteriously. Their bodies were found in their beds or in a lake. Only one sage still lives who was born in the dimension of Earth. However, they have not been seen for years…


All characters will start roleplaying their normal routines. Please feel free to create conflicts with monsters, but in the beginning of the rp, make sure those conflicts are small, VERY SMALL. However, they can be meaningful and affect the future of the character. Your characters will act upon chapters. Each chapter will change once the last chapter is finished. Once everyone starts to roleplay I will post a chapter and we shall begin our story!

-You can’t change the plot of a chapter
-All beings with power, has a limited amount of power until they replenish. So, you can’t hit tons of monsters with different types of powers in a row. However, you can create a huge blow that wipes out about every monster around you, but that can only be done if you don’t use your power for at least 2 days.
-Pets are allowed, and you don’t need a character form for them.
-Powers that aren’t allowed: Time travel, mind reading, seeing the future, mind control, teleporting (Only sage’s can teleport to a different dimension.).
-If two characters do have a battle for love, power, etc. You can’t have the other character in a state where they’re unable to anything, unless they allow it.
-There will never be a character that’s more powerful than the other.
-You MUST get hurt at least a little bit if you battle a monster that’s level 6-10. A sage will determine what level the monster is when they accompany you.
-If you are from the dimension of Urt, you can't shape shift forever.
-NONACTIVE RPERS WILL BE KICKED!!!!!!!!!!! Yes your character will DIE

On your journey with the sage, there may be multiple people in each dimension, however in the end, only one character in each dimension will be chosen as a hero. All characters who have been accepted pass the test that determines if someone may be a hero.

Sage- Rex
Eardeth- Zayden, Arianna
Earth- Kayla, Elijah
Aerth- Gelb
Urt- Arlena, Jason, Carisa, Jackie

Character Sheet:

Bio (optional):




Name: Rex (Doesn't tell anyone his name)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Dimension: Earth
Personality: Wise, mysterious, serious, gets lost in his thoughts easily.
Bio (optional):
History: (A secret)

Other: Has the powers of a Mage.

Name: Arlena
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Dimension: Urt
Personality: introvert, reliable, sympathetic, adventurous.
Bio (optional): She loves to draw of the nature in Urt and dreams to visit other dimensions.
History: She lives with her strict father who always keeps her at home, and never lets her go out. Every night she sneaks out through the cracks of the house walls as a mouse. Never has she experienced the company of a friend, and most people think she's weird.
Human Form:
Regular Form: (Unknown...for now)

Name: Gelb (People call her G because Gelb is kinda weird.)
Dimension: Aerth
Personality: withdrawn, responsible, trustworthy, a little bitter towards people she doesn't know, extremely loyal, is slow to trust because she has been hurt before, easily angered but her anger isn't very vehement
Bio (optional): Dislikes people who don't work and rely on others for everything
History: She grew up in a HUGE family of 11, she never really had the support of her parents because they never had time for her.She always drew a lot with her free time and is a good artist she also convinced her parents to get her self-defense classes as well as archery classes. She is also very talented at playing Cello :)3)

Name: Zayden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dimension: Eardeth
Personality: taciturn, serious, hateful, clever, hard-working, untrustworthy to people he doesn't care about, calm, apathetic of others
Bio (optional): He wants revenge on the king of Eardeth
History: His parents died when he was a kid by the kings army of Eardeth. Afterwards he was found in a well by a mysterious hooded man, and was given to a man living solitary in the woods. As he grew older the man taught him how to use a sword and become a skilled sword fighter. On Zayden's tenth birthday the power within him couldn't be contained and he killed the man he knew as his father. Zayden went on a journey to seek the sage his "father" had told him about in order to learn how to contain his power. As a ten year old child, he journeyed for 2 months until he finally found the Sage. The sage taught him how to control his power and Zayden decided to store the power in his eye for certain reasons. Ever since, he's lived alone.

Other: Contains his magical power in one of his eyes.

Name: Carisa (Cari)
Age: 16
Gender: F
Dimension: Urt
Personality: withdrawn, stubborn, cautious, doesn't give her trust away to just anyone, self-dependent, relies on herself and no one else, doesn't like to let other people in, doesn't want to get close to anyone. Insecure, self-conscious. Hateful. Quiet. Calm. Shuts everyone out. Relies on no one. Doesn't show emotions very often. (Accept when no ones around.)
Bio (optional): thinks all males are like her father, and therefore avoids them.
History: her mom and dad weren't married when Cari was born. Her mom left Cari with her father so she could go 'travel'. Cari's father hated Cari. He never wanted a daughter and so he often abused her and was hardly ever home. She taught herself how to throw her daggers with perfect aim and throw. She often stays away from her house at nights, cause that's when her father is usually home. She sneaks off just before dark into the woods with an oil lamp and a book to read or practice throwing her daggers. Then sneaks back in early in the morning do do her normal chores and get something to eat. Has never met her mom. Often has to sleep in the woods to avoid meeting one of her father's girlfriends. She has a secret place deep in the woods that she has a blanket, books, a bit saved of food, and an oil lamp and candles with matches.

(Pale milky skin with a slight tint of blue. Waist long- pitch black hair. Black eyes. Knee high boots, tight black tank top (that makes it easy to practice throwing her daggers.) with a black hoody and black shorts.)
Other: very good at climbing trees and jumping from tree branch to tree branch. Very flexible and very good runner, but has a hard time breathing if she runs for too long. (Haha, just like me. Besides the flexible part.) keeps her daggers in her boots and sleeves of her hoody, where she's hidden the daggers' sheaths.

(I'm still kind of confused on how the powers work.)

Gender: Male
Dimension: Urt
Personality: Quiet, Shy, Hides in the Shadows, Sneaky, Cunning.
History: He ran away from home when he was 11. He lives in alley's.
Picture(recommended)/description: It won't let me do pictures. He has Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, and Tan Skin.
Other: Has a dog he found in a dumpster. Powers: Shape-shifting. (Info about powers please.)

Name: Kayla
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Dimension: Earth
Personality: Shut out from others, but kind and loyal, brave, determined, and quite stubborn. She can be quite persuasive when she needs to be.
Bio: (o.0 don't know what to put here...)Umm... Thinks of herself as a freak and doesn't want to let anybody else get hurt by her powers
History: Lived a quite normally for most of her life. Had a good relationship with her parents(only child), had many good friends, and even had a boyfriend. But then her boyfriend was attacked by a monster, and, overidden with grief, she ran into the woods, where she could be alone and nobody could see her cry. What she didn't realize, though, was that her powerful emotions had triggered something inside her, igniting flames from her fingertips. She did the only thing a sensible person would do. She ran like heck. A section of the woods was burned down before the flames were extinguished. After that incident, along with the loss of her boyfriend(who also happened to have been her best friend since she was a kid), she retreated into herself, determined not to ever let anybody get close to her again. She only told one other person about what had happened the night of the fire, and after that she was treated like a freak by everybody. Her parents knew nothing of this.
Pic/Description: (Except without the tattoos)

Other: Her parents forced her to take self-defense classes, and is a good shot with a bow and arrow from hundreds of archery lessons

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dimension: Earth
Personality: clever, understanding, serious, doesn't take jokes or sarcasm well, cynical, rarely smiles, never shows any outward sign of anger, a 'quick-silver' mind
Bio (optional): He distrusts people who are popular because they are almost always fake.
History: He as an only child until his mother decided to adopt a girl. She is the social butterfly his parents hoped for, he thinks that he is worthless in their eyes.

Other: His parents always believed in self defense because his father's brother was attacked and killed in an 'accident' what his parents don't know is that he is learning how to fight using a selection of knives and a short sword.

Name: Ariana (Ari)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Dimension: Eardeth
Personality: kind and quiet, most of the time
Bio (optional):
History: raised by people she thinks are her parents, they have taught her everything she knows
Other: is very good with a bow and arrow

Name: Jackie
Age: 18
Gender: female
Dimension: Urt
Personality: quiet and watchful
Bio (optional):
History: left her home a couple of years ago, to strike out on her own
Other:The white tiger is her favorite form to shift into

~~Name: Alexander (Alex) Age: 18 Gender: Male Dimension: Aerth Personality: Usually reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private. He can be, at times, organized, structured and restrained at the expense of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun, but can be quite the opposite. He is very relaxed, calm, secure, optimistic, moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative. Bio: History: His father used to beat him when he was a kid, for no apparent reason. He and his mother were the only people there for each other, as nobody else knew about the beatings. He used to sit in his plain room and wait for his dad to return, wondering which version of him would be there- the kind, fair one that everybody else sees, or the cruel, hostile one that beat him 'for his own good.' His mother left them, leaving Alex with his father. On his sixteenth birthday Alex left his father to free himself from the pain, and has been roaming ever since. Picture: ~

~~Name: Anthony Age: 17 Gender: Male Dimension: Earth Personality: He is, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing his own individual interests and internally based identity, overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment. He is relaxed, calm, secure, optimistic, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense too often of his own individual development. He is very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical. Bio: (optional) History: He was born in a large city and he's seen both sides of the world, the large extravagant buildings of the rich and the old worn down shacks of poor. He heard of much and seen people strut about and talk big about the adventures they've had in the real world, amazed at overheard stories of the outside world and its creatures. He left his old home to travel and see the world. Picture: Other: Can control(ish) water

~~Name:Flynn Age: 17 Gender: M Dimension: Eardeth Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, careful, rather shy, brilliant, not easily angered, unfocused, Bio:He hates people who judge others by what they can't do. History:He was completely blind ever since he can remember, he hates it when people try to pick on him because of his blindness, they soon regret it though. Picture/description: (Light blue eyes and light brown hair.) Other: his parents were afraid that he would picked on at school so they taught him how to defend himself, he continued to take this classes past what his parents had planned for, he pretends not to have as much skill around his parents. (Hand to hand combat.)

~~Name: Keira Age: 17 Gender: F Dimension: Eardeth Personality: brave, witty, smart, funny, stubborn, sarcastic, tough, ist afraid to speak up, doesn't care about what other people think of her, hateful, suspicious of other people, ruthless in battle. Has serious anger issues. Very talented actor and charming. Though she may look sweet and innocent, due to her pretty looks and charm, you'd make a huge mistake if you dismiss her as helpless and unable to defend herself. Bio (optional): History: her parents never had time for Keira, always too busy, with..... Stuff. She didn't mind though. She preferred to be away from her parents. One day, when she was 14, her parents left completely, saying they were going for a much needed 'vacation'. But Keira knew better than to believe their story. She knew they were leaving and was happy to be rid of them. They left, and she had the house completely to herself since then. She's a clever thief, since she can't provide herself with food, because she can't get a job, due to her anger issues, she steals all the time. She's very talented at blending in with the background. Picture(recommended)/description: Other: good at hand to hand combat

~~Name: Dakota Age: 16 Gender: F Dimension: Urt Personality: shy and quiet and doesnt trust to many people. has a special conection to animals though. Bio (optional): History: Parents died so she lives on the streets stealing for things to live. Picture(recommended)/description: she was reddish brown hair and brown eyes. She wears and eagle feather right infront of her ear Other: She had a couple of animals she hides including a german shepard dog, tabby cat, and an eagle. ( Can she have a crush on Jason?)

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Name: Rex (Doesn't tell anyone his name)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Dimension: Earth
Personality: Wise, mysterious, serious, gets lost in his thoughts easily.
Bio (optional):
History: (A secret)

Other: Has the powers of a Mage.
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Name: Arlena
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Dimension: Urt
Personality: introvert, reliable, sympathetic, adventurous.
Bio (optional): She loves to draw of the nature in Urt and dreams to visit other dimensions.
History: She lives with her strict father who always keeps her at home, and never lets her go out. Every night she sneaks out through the cracks of the house walls as a mouse. Never has she experienced the company of a friend and most people think she's weird.
Human Form:
Regular Form: (Unknown...for now)
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Name: Gelb (People call her G because Gelb is kinda weird.)
Dimension: Aerth
Personality: withdrawn, responsible, trustworthy, a little bitter towards people she doesn't know, extremely loyal, is slow to trust because she has been hurt before, easily angered but her anger isn't very vehement
Bio (optional): Dislikes people who don't work and rely on others for everything
History: She grew up in a HUGE family of 11, she never really had the support of her parents because they never had time for her.She always drew a lot with her free time and is a good artist she also convinced her parents to get her self-defense classes as well as archery classes. She is also very talented at playing Cello :)3)
Name: Zayden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dimension: Eardeth
Personality: taciturn, serious, hateful, clever, hard-working, untrustworthy to people he doesn't care about, calm, apathetic of others
Bio (optional): He wants revenge on the king of Eardeth
History: His parents died when he was a kid by the kings army of Eardeth. Afterwards he was found in a well by a mysterious hooded man, and was given to a man living solitary in the woods. As he grew older the man taught him how to use a sword and become a skilled sword fighter. On Gage's tenth birthday the power within him couldn't be contained and he killed the man he knew as his father. Gage went on a journey to seek the sage his "father" had told him about in order to learn how to contain his power. As a ten year old child, he journeyed for 2 months until he finally found the Sage. The sage taught him how to control his power and Gage decided to store the power in his eye for certain reasons. Ever since, he's lived alone.

Other: Contains his magical power in one of his eyes.
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Arlena scrammed through the tiny aperture in the edifice that lead to her room. She knew she shouldn't have fallen asleep outside of her house, her dad would be furious if she wasn't in her room soon. She entered her dark room with no windows and shifted back into her human form and quickly tucked herself in her bed. The door creaked open and she shut her eyes in an instant. Footsteps stalked closer to her bed and stopped. She was calm and had practiced pretending to be asleep since she was seven. Her dads breath touched her hair and then he left the room. Arlena opened her eyes at the sound of the door closing and jumped out of bed excitingly. Oops... She stared wide-eyes in shock at her dad's presence. He was standing in front of the door and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. He crossed his arms in disappointment. "I received word that you were outside last night at Lake Tarlen." Arlena opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted when her dad banged the top of her desk with his fist in anger. "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO GO OUTSIDE!!! HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME!!!" He yelled and then took a step closer to her. Arlena flinched at his actions and then hung her head in dejection. "Sorry father, I'll never do it again..."
((1. Leanna check the title for incorrect caps

2. Fix Zayden's history. You forgot to change the names from whatever rp you copied it from

3.Hmmm... Zayden's history sounds very similar to a certain young man(named Will)'s, except for a few differences, like where he was found, a Bow instead of a Sword, doesn't it, Ashley(/Karen)?? @.@ hmm? HMMM???

4. lol WA state xD

5. Name: Kayla
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Dimension: Earth
Personality: Shut out from others, but kind and loyal, brave, determined, and quite stubborn. She can be quite persuasive when she needs to be.
Bio: (o.0 don't know what to put here...)Umm... Thinks of herself as a freak and doesn't want to let anybody else get hurt by her powers
History: Lived a quite normally for most of her life. Had a good relationship with her parents(only child), had many good friends, and even had a boyfriend. But then her boyfriend was attacked by a monster, and, overidden with grief, she ran into the woods, where she could be alone and nobody could see her cry. What she didn't realize, though, was that her powerful emotions had triggered something inside her, igniting flames from her fingertips. She did the only thing a sensible person would do. She ran like heck. A section of the woods was burned down before the flames were extinguished. After that incident, along with the loss of her boyfriend(who also happened to have been her best friend since she was a kid), she retreated into herself, determined not to ever let anybody get close to her again. She only told one other person about what had happened the night of the fire, and after that she was treated like a freak by everybody. Her parents knew nothing of this.
Pic/Description: (Except without the tattoos)

Other: Her parents forced her to take self-defense classes, and is a good shot with a bow and arrow from hundreds of archery lessons

6. Her story's somewhat dramatic, don't you think? xD I usually get annoyed when people make their characters have sob story histories, and I don't really indulge in this sort of practice. But then again, I'm not sane right now[I mean seriously. You have no idea how not sane I am right now]))
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G silently crept into the house. Her parents were probably busy with the little ones, putting them in bed and such, and they wouldn't be very happy if she was loud. Using the silence that she had developed over years of having younger siblings that did not take kindly to being woken up from a nap, she crept into her room, walking past her exhausted mom; she didn't even notice G had been there. She quietly closed her door. It was a poorly built side of the house, where more rooms had been added on. She lifted the door slightly so the hinges wouldn't creak. She was the third child out of nine with an older brother and sister who they lavished on, with a younger brother who slacked off so needed extra care and attention. She was stuck in the middle, with no affection left to her. But she was used to it, almost glad she was so solitary. Most parents could pull off just those four kids but I had three more younger brothers and two more younger sisters. it didn't work out. She didn't work out. Sometimes, something inside her tried to convince her it was all her younger siblings' fault, but she loved them all and couldn't bring herself to do that. She spent extra time at school whenever she could because it was one of the places people noticed her, if only occasionally. She heaved a sigh as she fell on her bed but quickly sat up and looked at her easel she had seen a maple tree recently and she decided she wanted to draw it. At first, it felt hopeless because it wasn't as pretty with just a cluster of leaves and there were millions of individual leaves on this maple tree. G ended up deciding to draw 10 leaves each day. Eventually it would be done.

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