The Coop Experience: Photos of Our Coop-Building Process

Wow, you guys did a really good job!!! I have to add that we also got more chickens than planned and sacrificed my storage, but then I discovered the need of some type of segregation area. Within just a couple of months, I had a Hen get pecked. She had to have a quiet, safe place away from the others. Back came my "storage" area but penned in with a removable gate. We use it for storage but we also have it for a calf barn heater, (with the wire and gate, I don't have to worry the girls will tump it) and for a sick area if needed. I have 2 nice trash cans in the main garage for my feed and to take up less room, my husband got me a childs rake and shovel for scooping the mess. Chickens are such fun......oh, and my Doms and Orps are the sweetest ever. The climb all over us!!! My husband says it's creepy, but I can't help but notice, that he sure does pet them and hold them....creepy or not!!! Welcome to the chicken world!!! I can think of a whole lot worse habits to have!

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