The cost of desserts - I am SHOCKED!

$50 may be too much money FOR YOUR budget, but it may very well be "small change" to other people. It may be ridiculous for you, but that doesn't mean it's ridiculous for everyone. If I take home four figures each week, it's not ridiculous FOR ME to drop $50 on a cheesecake for a special occasion. Therefore, it is not "universally ridiculous."

I think that if everyone just added "for me" or "to me" to the end of their sentences they would see the difference between making an absolute judgment and a personal judgment. Confusing the two turns personal preference into intolerance of alternatives. If people do something with their own money for themselves that you wouldn't do, that's just fine -- personal freedom, choice, live and let live.

That's funny, because that is now how I measure the cost of everything. 'A gallon of gas is cheaper than a bag of corn chips."
I could get almost three gallons of gas for that sized peanut butter."
Good thing we are self sufficient in so many other ways. We'd have to without.
1) must quietly collect addresses and find out what time meals are served
2) quit work, uproot family and buy an RV
3) build coop for the RV - can't leave chickens behind
4) don't let any of these folks know my secret plan.....

Could I come? I will help you drive, put up your chicken coop, and I promise I will shut my mouth.
Exactly, I bet if you did win that 10 million you would spend some of it on something that somebody, somewhere, thought was a waste of money.

I should go start a thread about my collection of $500 plus shoes and see how that goes over.
hmm I like shoes, cheesecakes, expensive steak dinners, and purebred dogs.

Believe me, more than a few people think that at least 1 of those (if not all 4) are completely ridiculous. More than a few people think that keeping chickens as pets are ridiculous. Or that collecting porcelain dolls. Or... it's an endless list.

If you have $50 and you are more than welcome to spend it on whatever you wish. And I'll spend mine on whatever I wish.
I'd spend that on a dessert, if I was invited to a dinner party. Lot's of people online here spend way more than that on hatching eggs or a bird when either one could end up no hatch, predator death, eggbound and/or just sudden death.

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