~The Council Of Youngers of BYC! (COY)~

How very epik :cool:
Yes, lol, I just read it over again and that is somewhat what first came to my mind too. lmao. Whoops.
Summer here is a bit like that, except there are no bugs. You might get whacked by a parrot flying out of a tree though, they're hard to spot among the leaves. :p
I bid thee farewell also, O Majestic One.
It's afternoon. Barely. 1:30PM to be exact. I might take this opportunity to go get some lunch. I always seem to forget when I don't have school on and end up eating lunch/dinner at 4. lol. (What do you even call that? I mean, I know there's brunch...)

No bugs? Do you have a spare room, I will be moving in shortly. The heat I can tolerate, but having to gear up for WW3 just to go out to grab the mail, not so much. I wanna see a wild parrot! *Proceeds with throwing tantrum*

:eek: Our time zones are so different, I forget sometimes, well.. all the time. :p Kinda cool though, you be'in waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there! Or just me be'in Waaaaaaaaay over here.

Hmmm.. Luner. Lunch-dinner, :D


98! Long time no see! :frow

And goodafternoon assorted peoples, :caf
OK, Wake up thread! Smell the bacon! Good thread. Nice thread.
Hi!! It's been a long time.

This particular evening I thought I'd sit down and haunt BYC for awhile.
I've been busy with the fair...oh that dreadful fair. :/ My two does were dry yearlings so they didn't do terribly well in their class. But I won goat showmanship, yippee!! That was a plus. My poultry did fairly well...and it was a pretty good experience all together.
Hi!! It's been a long time.  

This particular evening I thought I'd sit down and haunt BYC for awhile.  :p   I've been busy with the fair...oh that dreadful fair.  :/  My two does were dry yearlings so they didn't do terribly well in their class.  But I won goat showmanship, yippee!!  That was a plus.  My poultry did fairly well...and it was a pretty good experience all together.

That is has!

Haunting BYC is always fun.
Aww, that stinks.
I have yet to enter any of our goats into showing, although I hope maybe someday I might. :p

Good for you, and your poultry! What kind of birds did you enter?
I entered my Andalusian pair. Cock got first, pullet got second.
I also entered my Mottled Houdan pullet which got first pullet in her class.
The last two I entered were a Bantam Plymouth Rock cock who got first and a Bantam Partridge Wyandotte who got second.

Firsts and seconds; I'd say I'm pretty happy with that.

That is has!
Haunting BYC is always fun.
Aww, that stinks.
I have yet to enter any of our goats into showing, although I hope maybe someday I might.


Good for you, and your poultry! What kind of birds did you enter?

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