~The Council Of Youngers of BYC! (COY)~

 I fare quite well, I thank thee! The resident siblings have been most contentious, but I have coped. Yourself?

I have been okay. I am racking my brains with fervour trying to dredge up all the old-sounding words I know.
The only one I can think of right now is "Pan Am". :p
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Wellies. lol. In Australia they call them gum boots, in England it's wellies, I have no idea what tag they have earned for themselves over in the US. :lau
You know, it's those waterproof boots that you wear to walk through anything with significant moisture content. :p
Keep them. And put them back when the water rises again. You guys should get a pond. One of our friends has a pond with fish, but the pelicans will eat them all every once in a while. :lol:

Oh!! lol, just plain ole rain-boots, at least that's what we call them.

Well, there is no rain in the foreseeable future and the temps do not bode well for the summer ahead. :S
It'll be another month or two before it's back up and running! We are actually putting in a pond! Someday. We have herons, they love it here, which is both cool and annoying.

There's one that loves to sit on the edge of the pool.
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Oh!! lol, just plain ole rain-boots, at least that's what we call them.
Well, there is no rain in the foreseeable future and the temps do not bode well for the summer ahead. :S
It'll be another month or two before it's back up and running! We are actually putting in a pond! Someday. We have herons, they love it here, which is both cool and annoying.
There's one that loves to sit on the edge of the pool.

Yes. I believe we may now be talking about the same item of apparel. :p

*slaps knee* That's no good. It's been raining (17) left right and centre here (ignore that lame joke :lol:) and the air has been crisp and cold. Do you like winter or summer?

Herons are cool. I haven't seen a heron in the entire country the whole five years I've been here.
Yes. I believe we may now be talking about the same item of apparel. :p
*slaps knee* That's no good. It's been raining (17) left right and centre here (ignore that lame joke :lol:) and the air has been crisp and cold. Do you like winter or summer?
Herons are cool. I haven't seen a heron in the entire country the whole five years I've been here.

:lol: EXACTLY! It's like.. Like our minds are one! Except not!

*Slaps knee as well* lol, I see what you did there. ;) :p Well, it depends on the time of year. In summer I prefer winter, in winter I prefer on summer. :D lol, It also depends on harshness of it, this winter was pretty lovely and mild.
What's yours?

Wow! We have great blues and little green ones that regularly visit. The big ones scare the chickens something awful. I think they do it on purpose.
:lol: EXACTLY! It's like.. Like our minds are one! Except not!
*Slaps knee as well* lol, I see what you did there. ;) :p Well, it depends on the time of year. In summer I prefer winter, in winter I prefer on summer. :D lol, It also depends on harshness of it, this winter was pretty lovely and mild.
What's yours?
Wow! We have great blues and little green ones that regularly visit. The big ones scare the chickens something awful. I think they do it on purpose.

Great minds think alike ;)

You did? Fantastic! I seem to be having a lot of DFW moments recently, including forgetting what I was going to say, to the effect of "American 1532!! ... Standby."

I like summer. The sky is blue and everything looks cheerful. :p Oh, and I can walk outside in a T-shirt without becoming like a gas undergoing adiabatic expansion. :lol:
But winter is cool. That's when all the parrots fall down to the ground to eat, and one can observe nature strips blanketed in green birds.

How awesome. lmao. :lau
Great minds think alike ;)
You did? Fantastic! I seem to be having a lot of DFW moments recently, including forgetting what I was going to say, to the effect of "American 1532!! ... Standby."
I like summer. The sky is blue and everything looks cheerful. :p Oh, and I can walk outside in a T-shirt without becoming like a gas undergoing adiabatic expansion. :lol:
But winter is cool. That's when all the parrots fall down to the ground to eat, and one can observe nature strips blanketed in green birds.
How awesome. lmao. :lau

Hehehe, :p lol That is epik, epik.

Here in summer the sky is consumed by a raging ball of fire, the grass is brown and if you walk out in a t-shirt the bugs eat you! lol :gig

Just experienced a Gerbil moment. read to "But winter is cool. That's when all the parrots fall down to the ground..." I immediately jumped to they must have frozen solid and fallen like lil bird-cicles! :D
Anyways, that must be really cool. We don't have many colorful birds here.

Yeah, lol

Well, I g2g get to bed and must bid thee farewell for the evening/afternoon/etc! :p
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Hehehe, :p lol That is epik, epik.
Here in summer the sky is consumed by a raging ball of fire, the grass is brown and if you walk out in a t-shirt the bugs eat you! lol :gig
Just experienced a Gerbil moment. read to "But winter is cool. That's when all the parrots fall down to the ground..." I immediately jumped to they must have frozen solid and fallen like lil bird-cicles! :D
Anyways, that must be really cool. We don't have many colorful birds here.
Yeah, lol
Well, I g2g get to bed and must bid thee farewell for the evening/afternoon/etc! :p

How very epik :cool:

Yes, lol, I just read it over again and that is somewhat what first came to my mind too. lmao. Whoops.

Summer here is a bit like that, except there are no bugs. You might get whacked by a parrot flying out of a tree though, they're hard to spot among the leaves. :p

I bid thee farewell also, O Majestic One.
It's afternoon. Barely. 1:30PM to be exact. I might take this opportunity to go get some lunch. I always seem to forget when I don't have school on and end up eating lunch/dinner at 4. lol. (What do you even call that? I mean, I know there's brunch...)
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