* ~~~~~~ The Cutest Chicken Ever Contest!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~ *

chickens are great 12

8 Years
Aug 5, 2011
Hey Everyone!
This is a contest for everybody to do! If you think your chicken is cute, post pictures in this forum! this is an example:

Name: Fusion
Breed- Amerucana (Easter Egger)
Gender: Hen
Description- She loves looking into the camera, this was right after she played outside with me!

then here you'd put the picture(s) ! Have fun!
Name: Lucy

Breed: Ameracauna

Gender: Hen

Description: She has only been in my coop for 2 weeks. She laid her first egg yesterday since we had her. She has bumble foot, so we are trying to cure that right now.

Name: Gypsy
Breed- Ameracauna
Gender: Pullet
Description- She is fun and loves to jump on peoples shoulders! I thought I was getting a chicken not a parrot! lol


As you can see the picture is my avatar!

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