The Dance of the Mealworm


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
A brief interpretive ballet, in one act, with chorus...


Someone please let me know if this worked for them or not, as this is the first vid I've tried to post here...
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That looked fun that today when I was out, I bought a thingy of mealworms for my 8 chicks and watched the fun. I did make sure that all of them got one. I hold the Silkies in my hand so they can eat theirs, since they are so little, they have a rougher time with the bigger times in keeping their treats. I think mealworms are a great way to have the chicks warm up to be more and more. I already have one of my rhode is reds that loves to roost on my finger and sit on my shoulder. She pooped on my arm in honor of me yesterday by the way. I think I may try a video too when the lighting is good. I love your idea of the plastic pool with the wire fencing for your two chicks.
I think you're exactly right! Feeding them mealworms is a great way to socialize the hens, and they won't be as insulated later when you stick your hand under them to grab those eggs...mine come right to me with an expectant look on their faces, and I know it's not me, it's the mealworms...

I have about four different generations of mealworms in my farm now, from getting different batches of them at the pet store. I saw my first beetle emerge last week, and there are a bunch of ripe pupae in there now. I got some giant mealworms last week and threw them in there; one of them is a snack by itself compared to the regular ones. Anyhow, my GSLs love the things where my RIRs look at them like they were explainin' that...

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I have four different breeds of chicks...the Buff Orpington, the Barred Rocks and the Australorps would come running, but the RIR's would stay away.

I separated them and gave them mealworms and now they're in the front of the group when I open the brooder door.

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