~The Darklanders ЯP~

She walked quietly into the forest and waited. After a while, she spotted a rabbit. She slowly lifted her bow, arrow in place, and took aim. After a minute, the creature was still and she let the arrow fly. Unfortunately, it took the poor rabbit's ear. "Oops" she muttered under her breath.

Sarus cocked a brow "Come, we have a lot of ground to cover tonight"

She sighed and followed him.
So the Kelpie are shape shifters?

Yes, they have their horse form, their human form, and a few special ones, like Cadeyrn, have other forms too.

He's not invisible, but he's small and knows how to move quietly.


"Ah, but two can play at this game" Cadeyrn said. He slowly morphed into a black snake. Now he could feel Simon.

A few slight vibrations that slowly grew fainter were all that could be felt of Simon, his hooves hardly moving a sound.
Sarus cocked a brow "Come, we have a lot of ground to cover tonight"

She sighed and followed him.

He turned and set a swift pace through the forest, talking as he walked "What have you been trained to use your dagger for? Hunting? Combat?"
Darn, bye.

"Ah, but two can play at this game" Cadeyrn said. He slowly morphed into a black snake. Now he could feel Simon.

A few slight vibrations that slowly grew fainter were all that could be felt of Simon, his hooves hardly moving a sound.

Cadeyrn laughed and slithered after him. He detected more than just vibrations. He could hear Simon's heart beating and smell his blood, even though he wasn't bleeding.

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