~The Darklanders ЯP~


You, yes.

I was just sending Puff in to safe Lovely young woman. As he is manly.

Anytime, Gerbs. She is still very lonely.
He turned and set a swift pace through the forest, talking as he walked "What have you been trained to use your dagger for? Hunting? Combat?"

"Combat. All the hunters in my village came after me to kill me for three moons" she replied.

He stopped and turned to look back at her "Why?"
A few slight vibrations that slowly grew fainter were all that could be felt of Simon, his hooves hardly moving a sound.

Cadeyrn laughed and slithered after him. He detected more than just vibrations. He could hear Simon's heart beating and smell his blood, even though he wasn't bleeding.

Simon trekked onward, observing everything he could about the Kelpie and their lifestyle.
He stopped and turned to look back at her "Why?"

"Because I am a centaur" she replied.

"I see" He said with a slight frown "And you were raised around ordinary humans?"
Cadeyrn laughed and slithered after him. He detected more than just vibrations. He could hear Simon's heart beating and smell his blood, even though he wasn't bleeding.

Simon trekked onward, observing everything he could about the Kelpie and their lifestyle.

There was nothing to see, but the river and the dark forest.
Simon trekked onward, observing everything he could about the Kelpie and their lifestyle.

There was nothing to see, but the river and the dark forest.

He stopped to think, organizing everything he had learned in his head to be retold later on.
"I see" He said with a slight frown "And you were raised around ordinary humans?"

"Well, not ordinary, after my family dumped me I was taken in by an old witch" she said.

"Witches" He mused "Nasty creatures, crafty"

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