The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Chaos continues in Hick County

At approximately 11:35 am today, the Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm went up in flames. Authorities, already taxed with investigating a series of murders, believe it is arson. The Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm (a subsidy of Sorta Fresh Chickens, Inc) has long been thought to ship meat chickens to Thailand and has been the victim of fowl graffiti painted along their fences numerous times. News about Singapore lifting the ban on frozen and processed chicken from Thailand spread through the community at break neck speeds and is a possible motivation behind the fire. We attempted to reach Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm's owner, farmer Ed Blaze but our phone calls were not returned.
Since Hick County's fire department is also the Sheriff department and are scattered about the county investigating the recent suspicious deaths, neighboring fire departments were called in to put out the blaze.

(Pictured: Woof County's Fire Department fights fire at the Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm)
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Nice fire department picture. LOL!
Benedict, the French Bresse, being a meat bird and fearing for his life, wanted to help putting out the fire but although he can excrete standing up, he cannot direct it like the woof county crew. He has his own solution. Now he just needs an animal with opposing thumbs to carry the cup.

Boone and Hick County residents are up in arms with recent breaking news. It seems that several of Tom Wyterock's children were disguised as cute little stuffed animal chicks and shipped out of the country. Tom Wyterock is suspected of planning to flee the country to join other members of his family who have fled. Any poultry with information concerning this illegal dying of chick children are urged to come forward. The Inhumane Society is investigating and promise to hang the guilty parties from the highest roost!

Gladys Wyterock attempts to leave the area, detained by police for questioning about her part in the Dave Leghorn murder and for chick trafficking.

The Hicks Co. sheriff's department released a statement about apprehending Gladys Wyterock as she attempted to leave the county after she had been warned to stay in the area until the investigation was complete. She was caught, along with B.R. Buzzarde, Tom Wyterock's attorney, in an apparent attempt to slip out of the area after it was discovered she and her husband had sold their very own chicks into fast food slavery after first dying them multicolored to make them look like stuffed animals. Both Gladys and B. R. Buzzarde have been detained until further notice. Ms. Buzzarde has been suspended from the case and her firm has replaced her with Rick Highpockets, one of the partners in the firm. The photo below shows him questioning a possible witness in the case as he tries to establish exactly WHY the chicken crossed the road on the night of October 21. Mr. Highpockets has been known to take a very abrupt approach to witnesses in a case as he states, "Ain't nobody got time for that!".

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Chaos continues in Hick County

At approximately 11:35 am today, the Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm went up in flames. Authorities, already taxed with investigating a series of murders, believe it is arson. The Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm (a subsidy of Sorta Fresh Chickens, Inc) has long been thought to ship meat chickens to Thailand and has been the victim of fowl graffiti painted along their fences numerous times. News about Singapore lifting the ban on frozen and processed chicken from Thailand spread through the community at break neck speeds and is a possible motivation behind the fire. We attempted to reach Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm's owner, farmer Ed Blaze but our phone calls were not returned.
Since Hick County's fire department is also the Sheriff department and are scattered about the county investigating the recent suspicious deaths, neighboring fire departments were called in to put out the blaze.

(Pictured: Woof County's Fire Department fights fire at the Mostly Fresh Chicken Farm)

Here is a YNN (Yolk News Network) exclusive, of an interview with the woman who was the first to notice and report the MFCF's building was ablaze.....

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The Hick County Thai Chicken Mafia have been shut down.

Their method of smuggling chickens out has been identified.


The police issued a statement that they are pleased to now refocus on the local murders. They would however continue to look for the giblets.
BREAKING NEW!!! Detective Polly Polkadotte of the State CSI lab has been detailed to Hick County to investigate the murders. Polkadotte is shown combing over a 4-wheeler believed to be the instrument of death in several of the murders. Feathers as well as dog hair was found on the bumper and under carriage of the off road vehicle.

When questioned Detective Polkadotte had no comment.

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