The Demo Video


Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
This demo video, commonly used in welcome posts, is a great guide, however, I noticed that it doesn't seem to be reaching the audience as much as it should and that it isn't as relevant today (just over two years after being recorded) as it could be. It only has 5,326 views which means that a lot of new members haven't been watching this video :hmm
Another concern of mine is that this video was recorded back when we started using XenForo and it's pretty clear that there are a lot of differences in the formatting and some functionality of the forum between then and now. At least one example is a different tab layout. Several functions for members were also left unexplored. As stated in the video, it is a very surface level tour of the forum but I feel it's a little outdated now.
The video also explores the desktop version and well, yes, the desktop and mobile are at their core pretty close to one and the same there are key differences that cannot be accurately explained using desktop such as media uploads.

I hear tell that we'll be switching to XF2 soon enough, so maybe a new video shouldn't be made before then but when/if new videos are ever made I feel there should be one for desktop and another for mobile (the app) at the very least. Other videos should probably also be made explaining specific things about the website that can be used in answer to troubleshooting threads.

Just a thought,
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Thanks for the great feedback! Yup, we definitely need an updated video. In fact, now that the majority of users are on mobile devices, we probably should have the default video be about using BYC on a mobile device!

I think we'll definitely need a new video when we switch to XF2.
Yeah, I've kinda been waiting on the conversion to XF2 before doing a new video.

I kind of want to make a video
Hey, we're totally open to it! If peeps think it's better / more helpful than the existing video, then we'd be happy to use it!
When is the conversion to XF2 supposed to happen?

We're waiting on a handful of things to be built and tested, so it's hard to say. Ideally everything will be developed and ready to test by August / September and then we'd like to do the conversion during our "slow season" around October / November.

... but these are all total guestimates at this point. :)
I'm pretty sure XF2 has been out for a while now and is ready for use. Other forums use it.
Most of the add-ons that we use here have XF2 replacements, so I think the main thing we're waiting for is the "slow season".

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