The Dragon Riders

Jackson walked to the blacksmiths. He had been hired the day before and was very happy that he had a job now. He was very good with blacksmithing, but he loved now and arrows more than any knife or sword. He walked inside the blacksmith.
Starflight bolted through the sky as Aria sat on her back. Then, landed next to a cabin deep inside the woods. Aria hopped off of Starflights back and threw a piece of raw rabbit meat into the sky for Starflight.
Jackson got right to work. He hammered a glowing piece of metal into a perfect shape of a sword. He put the sword into the water, causing it to make a sizzling noise. He put the blade in a safe place to cool off.

Julie sat down in the soft green grass. Chip sat on a very thick branch in the tree above her.
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(Lol, look at this thing someone from another RP posted:


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