The Dragon Riders

Name: Arianna (ania.)
Age: 16
Job: princess (Julia's twin 。◕‿◕。)
Crush: none yet

Personality: calm, quiet most of the time, loves the outdoors, doesn't speak unless spoken to [mostly], but once you get to know her, she is very sweet, fun-loving, and outgoing too. Along with the outdoors, she loves bow and arrows (something Julie and her had in common), and she has a very good eye for hitting the bullseye on every target.
Dragon Rider(Yes/No): maybe(?) (can she have chip?)
Bio: disappeared when she was 10 and returns 6 years later. She doesn't speak of what happened or why she disappeared. (Hasn't come back yet....)
History: is the princess and Julie's twin. She was originally betrothed to Ryan, but when she disappeared, Julie had to take her place.

(Blue hair, not brown.)

(Wait if she has chip then Julie can't have chip. You want that?)
Name: Kyrrie
Personality: shy, barely talks
Dragon Rider(Yes/No):yes (soon to be)
History: abandoned by parents, but they left her the egg. (dragon tbr when hatched.)

(the golden amber orb is the egg)

(this crest which she wears on a necklace gives her the power to communicate with dragons and understand them.)
(Accepted except for the dragon communicator sorry.)
Ania walked through the forest. She took a deep breath of the crisp forest air. It smelled wonderful. She loved the forests. It was her favorite place to practice her bow and arrows. She held her bow in one hand as she walked, her arrow sleeve over one shoulder.
Aria nodded at Justin. "Yeah, Starflight's getting faster! people in town are saying rumors that they see a flash in the sky every now and then." She laughed and went inside the cabin to put down her bags. "Are the guards still there..?" He asked already knowing the answer. "Yeah." She replied as she glanced at Starflights picture, the one Justin was sketching.
Julie heard a snap of a branch somewhere nearby. She shot to her feet and peered through the trees. Her eyes widened in shock. Tears misted her eyes as she saw ania standing there. At first she though she was imagining it, but the ania walked over and hugged her tightly. Neither of them could say anything for a long time.
For an hour, ania and Julie talked. Julie showed ania chip. Chip seemed to take a liking to ania and listened to her as well as he did Julie. Ania let out her very high pitched whistle that she had taught Julie. Within moments, sunset came flying out if the trees and landed on amiss shoulder. "Hey girl. Did you miss me? I hope Julie took good care of you." She smiled and scratched sunsets radiant neck. Julie smiled. "Defiantly."

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