The drought is over!!!!


9 Years
Apr 11, 2014
upstate New York
Finally, after 10 weeks with not a single egg due to the girls molting, I have eggs again!!! Woo-hoo!:ya


No, none laid a golf ball. That was for the 2 pullets to figure out where to lay when the time finally comes, especially if no hens were laying and the newbies didn't quite figure it out yet. But I guess all the other hens decided that the nest with the golf ball was the "right" one! Now for the pullets to start laying. Theirs should be blue eggs!
Such pretty eggs! Ten weeks is a long time to go without any eggs -- "time to buy eggs at the store," long time. It is so weird, doing that... Anyway, it's good to hear that they're laying again.
By the way, what kind of pullets do you have? There are a few breeds that lay blue eggs, so what kind are they?

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