The Duck Duck Story

I think he might be an African. That gator on your shirt looks like he's going to eat him.

Ha ha, the shirt. I have a few other pics from that same shoot and they're hilarious...that's a saltwater croc and Steve Irwin...
I know my friend has those giant dewlap Toulouse and that's all the geese he has....and are they giants! I don't know if Duck Duck's egg came from them. I know he buys eggs from people, so maybe Duck Duck is an African. My regular Toulouse and Africans all had black beaks when they were bbs, in fact, I thought they were all Africans until the Toulouse started losing the black color on their beaks ...oh and they're outgrowing the Africans quickly too.
Me too!

I'm glad I was there too. I still can't believe he would dump the little guy in the trash. My friend will be coming over here Friday and I'm going to show Duck Duck to him...I also forgot to ask him what species of gosling Duck Duck is.
Awwwww, Duck Duck gives you a big tweety kiss back. And this gosling gives the best cuddles. I keep saying 'he', but I'm not sure of sex. I'll keep ya'll updated as to his progress. Soon he's going to get to go on an outside adventure!
Can't hardly wait to hear what your friend thinks of Duck Duck when he sees him, and yes please keep us updated..
What causes the bent neck like Duck Duck has/had? Ive seen a duckling in a clutch that looked similar... His neck was twisted so he was always looking up. He didnt survive.
What causes the bent neck like Duck Duck has/had? Ive seen a duckling in a clutch that looked similar... His neck was twisted so he was always looking up. He didnt survive.

I read right here on BYC that it's caused by some sort of a vitamin deficiency in the parent birds. Don't know if that's true or not. Duck Duck hatched from an egg bought at an auction, so no idea on how the parent birds are being raised.
You did an amazing thing by taking in duck duck! and shame on the person for just throwing him out, please do keep us updated on how he is doing, thanks for taking him in!

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