The Duck Thread

It could just be because we got 5 of them and all of them ended up being drakes, So our experience once they matured was not pleasant. They constantly attacked us (me especially, I assume because I am a female. Though if I wasn't around they would go after the dh as well). We also live in WI, our winters are brutal at times and we figured out that muscovies feet do not do well in the winter when we hit our severe lows. Now, they had shelter but they refused to stay in it and would get frozen feet during they day. We lost the only one that was not aggressive because of it. They also constantly try to get to the other ducks to fight them. It was just rough, they are so hormone crazy. Who knows, it may just of been this batch and because they all ended up being males.

I wouldn't say we will never do muscovies again. But I would make darn sure we had girls and then maybe a drake would be tolerable. Until the attacking started I adored them, they were so fun and so very sweet. But the hormones hit and they just went bonkers.

Yikes, 5 would be a handful with out any girls. We have the one drake (Bob) we just got last weekend and the two babies I hatched still in the brooder. I'm getting two girls this Sunday for Bob. I am not a drake fan and one of our ducks just hatched TEN:( that I need to get rid of, PLUS 4 that I incubated, grrr! I'm never hatching again. I will pay to have everything sexed, lol.
Good luck with the new ducks. Be sure to post pics
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Thank you. @Miss Lydia.
That was what I thought. I did set them this am. They rested 30 hours, I don't think that's too long. The oldest is 5 days.
Ceasargirl did pm me. Duck peeps are the greatest Linda
Thank you Miss Lydia and caesargirl. I would like at least 3 of each (Runner and SWH). Wish list- 2 females 1 male of each breed But we
All know we don't always get what we wish for.
Will let you know in a week when I candle.
Thanks again, Linda
Yikes, 5 would be a handful with out any girls. We have the one drake (Bob) we just got last weekend and the two babies I hatched still in the brooder. I'm getting two girls this Sunday for Bob. I am not a drake fan and one of our ducks just hatched TEN:( that I need to get rid of, PLUS 4 that I incubated, grrr! I'm never hatching again. I will pay to have everything sexed, lol.
Good luck with the new ducks. Be sure to post pics
Yes, a very big handful lol! They had all been pretty tame too and I heard that may of been why they attacked us so often. It was awful. But we may have to try again with females because like I said I really loved them until hormones.
Health food store or online at Amazon or
Thanks! I have ordered some. Will be here in 3 or 4 days. Until then I will just give them their probiotics/electrolytes in their water. Hopefully this will be good. We live out in the boonies but thought that I could find the yeast at the store so didn't worry about getting it before we got the ducklings.

Thanks again!
Here are a few pics of my loves from this week. They love picking around in the orchard mulch.

We used our first duck eggs to make a homemade breakfast pizza. It was amazing! I can't eat gluten so I make most things from scratch.

And I mentioned on here before we would be getting a new puppy! Here he is, 12 week old Kaiser.

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