The Duck Thread

Shed? Mini playground? Explain...I don't have a clue. Guess I am dumb!!! I am trying to do this cheaply as they won't use it for long.


Mandy, they are fully feathered at about 10 weeks old. Miss Lydia has some great ideas. I've also often seen people get a box that watermelons are delivered in when they go to grocery stores. Those boxes are very sturdy.
Shed? Mini playground? Explain...I don't have a clue. Guess I am dumb!!! I am trying to do this cheaply as they won't use it for long.

Do you have something like a wire dog kennel? All my ducks began their lives in one and it worked fine. Otherwise anything that is tall enough and large enough for them to move about, have food and water. You can always cover the top of a box or something like that (a large plastic tote from Walmart about 20 bucks) cover it with a piece of screen or chicken wire as a temporary solution.

I looked at your location and weather. Actually your weather looks pretty good for letting them outside before they are fully feathered. They will need shelter in the night and a secure are to keep them from harm. You look to be in the mid 80's in the day and the 60's at night except for a little cold spell this coming weekend. So, if you move them out make sure they have a warm spot to huddle in without piling up and suffocating the smallest on the bottom. If you use a heat lamp make sure it can not start a fire and that it is securely fastened. Don't depend on just the clamp that comes with it.

If they are closely bonded now then they will help each other stay warm if needed.
So I was eating my dinner outside today when my ducks waddled up. They were playing around me and I noticed one of my girls watching me eat (Fried chicken) so I offer her a small piece thinking she'd nibble it and not want it, but low and behold she ate it and wanted more.... Does anyone else have a chicken eating duck??? My other two tried it but they dropped it so she came up and ate it.. I also learned that all three of them go nuts for banana!
So I was eating my dinner outside today when my ducks waddled up. They were playing around me and I noticed one of my girls watching me eat (Fried chicken) so I offer her a small piece thinking she'd nibble it and not want it, but low and behold she ate it and wanted more.... Does anyone else have a chicken eating duck??? My other two tried it but they dropped it so she came up and ate it.. I also learned that all three of them go nuts for banana!
no but my ducks have eater beef stir fry
no but my ducks have eater beef stir fry

Wow. I'm thinking for their Birthday I'll make them some sort of banana based treat with like crushed dried meal worms.

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