The Duck Thread

My issue outside is there is there is already a drake outside. My female outside who is blind. Was harmed by two many males mating with her. It would cause her more harm with two males. At the moment those two spots is my only solution.i can not build another coop at the moment. It will be a while. And the baby coop is two little.we have baby's coming in May. That have been ordered in December.
The hens and rooster inside these coop they can't go outside. It would cause them harm. In to many males and females in one coop. There where they our where they our safe and warm. We don't use that room for a living area.
Hi!! I am a new duck mother. I have 5 Khaki Campbell ducklings that are around 6 weeks old. I have been having a problem with a couple of them not being able to stand for long periods of time. I gave them niacin in their water around 4 weeks, when I noticed the issue. After about a week I didn't feel like it was working. So now I have been giving them nutritional yeast in their food. About a tablespoon for every cup. They all seem to be doing better, except for one. She is always sitting by herself and cant stand for long periods of time. When she does stand for too long her legs start to shake until they just can't hold her up any longer. I don't know what else to do. She doesn't seem to be in pain, she just can't stand up for very long. I don't know if she isn't eating enough food. I also feed them treats (usually peas) and take them swimming in the tub every night. I am very worried about her and would appreciate any advice. Someone on here said she may have an infection. She does have what sounds like a little sniffle when she breathes. Should I give her some antibiotics? Can I put it in the water for all of them to drink? I have given them all Sav-A-Chick electrolytes twice last week, but I don't think that is enough. Thanks.
Hey so I got three ducklings from the local hatchery back in march that had ordered assorted runners, pekins, and rouens. I supposedly got 2 runners and a rouen. One of them is definitely a rouen and one is definitely a fawn runner. however the other black "runner" doesnt look like a runner. I'm thinking maybe they slipped an extra Cayuga in there ha ha. The Fawn Runner I got stands up very tall and looks very runnerish but the black one stays low like my rouen. I dont have any pictures but theres not much of a difference besides that. I have heard that sometimes they dont stand up until theyre a little older but theyre already getting lots of their feathers and have been outside a few weeks now. Is it possible I have a cayuga? I know theres now way to be sure until theyre all grown up but I figured I'd mention it anyway. Also, when is lockdown for wild mallards? I have 10 in the bator growing out of space in their shells every day.
Hi!! I am a new duck mother. I have 5 Khaki Campbell ducklings that are around 6 weeks old. I have been having a problem with a couple of them not being able to stand for long periods of time. I gave them niacin in their water around 4 weeks, when I noticed the issue. After about a week I didn't feel like it was working. So now I have been giving them nutritional yeast in their food. About a tablespoon for every cup. They all seem to be doing better, except for one. She is always sitting by herself and cant stand for long periods of time. When she does stand for too long her legs start to shake until they just can't hold her up any longer. I don't know what else to do. She doesn't seem to be in pain, she just can't stand up for very long. I don't know if she isn't eating enough food. I also feed them treats (usually peas) and take them swimming in the tub every night. I am very worried about her and would appreciate any advice. Someone on here said she may have an infection. She does have what sounds like a little sniffle when she breathes. Should I give her some antibiotics? Can I put it in the water for all of them to drink? I have given them all Sav-A-Chick electrolytes twice last week, but I don't think that is enough. Thanks.

I think I responded to this on another thread . . . do I recall that correctly?
Hi everyone
I haven't been in here in awhile thanks to being crazy busy with my move, but things are settling down now (although we are still not actually moved into the new place, lol). I'm just about to start incubating some duck eggs - khaki campbells starting tomorrow (I'll be doing six eggs and my goose will get the other six) and then hopefully some WH the next week. First incubation of the season! Just fired up the incubator tonight and it heated up like a charm.
Glad you're back. Good luck this season. I've got Muscovies in the bator for my first run of this season.

I hadsome nice time with the birds yesterday evening. Spoiled the big ducks with some foraging time, and spoiled the little ones with lots of treats.

I think the ducks are getting antsy to join the adults. Eggos watched them wistfully through the cage.

My girl Gobbles.

The male buff sat on my lap for a while.

Black hen, I think

Red cockerel, I think

It's kind of sweet how broken wing always beds down with the chick we kept in his hospital cage for company.
Looks like a beautiful day!

I've been absent from this site for awhile...Christmas time got hectic and i just haven't made it bk but I wanted to chime bk in! Hehe! Lots has happened since I was on last! I only had the one Peking duck, Quackers with all my chickens bk then and since I have added 2 more females, Bianca & Penelope and a male, Big Boy Leroy & I'm happy to say I have one of them setting on her nest right now so I should have me some cute little babies b4 too long! They all live happily with all my chickens and I have no problems! They r all soooo sweet! They were a little scared of me at first and now they have grown to trust me! I just love all of my feather babies! Oh yeah! & Chick Pea, my now 17lb CX chicken has been enlisted to help protect Bianca's nest so she stays right there with her most of the day! She's doing pretty good too and made it past her first birthday! Boots, my porcelain booted bantam rooster that was in love with Quackers is now in love with Chick Pea...I guess he just likes big butts! Lol! I also have a bantam hen setting on a pile of eggs too so baby chicks r on the way too! I can't wait!

Here's some bath time pics of 2 of them!
I love bath time.

Hi all, I'm new to BYC and I'm not sure if this is the correct way to ask questions, but I saw there are A LOT of people using this thread. So, I need insight from you guys!

I've had Pekin ducks in the past. Loved having them! I have a natural pond in my acreage, although it's not huge. I stock it with minnows that winter just fine as it doesn't freeze solid (I'm from North Dakota). My Pekin family has been wiped out, completely, twice. We have bald eagles, hawks, and humongous owls, in addition to the regular four footed predators.

My question: I want to turn a large wooden wire/cable spool into a floating duck house. I have looked everywhere, figuring somebody had to have posted about this very thing somewhere - no luck! Am I delusional in thinking this would work? It the center of the spool is a hole, which I plan to run a pole through so it will stay located far off shore and rise and fall well with the water level. I am enclosing it with wood all around, adding an entrance.

Can I get some feedback/ideas/suggestions? Thanks!
I'm not familiar with floating duck houses but here's a link good luck!

Hi!! I am a new duck mother. I have 5 Khaki Campbell ducklings that are around 6 weeks old. I have been having a problem with a couple of them not being able to stand for long periods of time. I gave them niacin in their water around 4 weeks, when I noticed the issue. After about a week I didn't feel like it was working. So now I have been giving them nutritional yeast in their food. About a tablespoon for every cup. They all seem to be doing better, except for one. She is always sitting by herself and cant stand for long periods of time. When she does stand for too long her legs start to shake until they just can't hold her up any longer. I don't know what else to do. She doesn't seem to be in pain, she just can't stand up for very long. I don't know if she isn't eating enough food. I also feed them treats (usually peas) and take them swimming in the tub every night. I am very worried about her and would appreciate any advice. Someone on here said she may have an infection. She does have what sounds like a little sniffle when she breathes. Should I give her some antibiotics? Can I put it in the water for all of them to drink? I have given them all Sav-A-Chick electrolytes twice last week, but I don't think that is enough. Thanks.
Is she eating, bathing and preening? All of mine seem to go through a stage like this where their legs are shaky and they lay down a lot. I'm sure someone with more experience will respond soon.

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