The Duck Thread

Sad day here. Found one of my Pekin girls dead
this morning when I went to let everyone out of the night pen. She was 3 years old. No apparent cause of death. She was just laid out belly down, head forward and feet out behind her

Very sorry for your loss!!
Today was awesome! I was able to release the duck from her angel wing bindings. It has been 6 days, we had a bad storm last night and we were concerned the vet tape was wet so we removed it. Wonderful!!! The wing looks pretty normal. Way better than the angel wing. Can anyone tell me, will this happen every time she molts and gets new feathers or is this a one time thing.


That is awsome. I'm so glad it worked.
Everyone is acting like one big happy family! All hens, the black ducklings and the pekin on the right with her tail next to the edge of the pool are only 8 weeks old! They are almost as big as the adults (the 2 Pekin in the middle of the pool). I was so afraid that there would be aggression, they have only been permanently together for about 2 weeks. Interesting to know, I have put them all together and surprisingly the only aggression I see is the "lings" against the adults. The adults just take it and walk away!!! I figure one day they will bring the babies down a notch or two but so far the little ladies are being wonderful to the babies. Not sure I would be that nice. Is it normal for babies to be aggressive with the adults? Or is it because there are 5 babies and only 2 adults. We call the babies "the mob"! That's how they act! LOL
That is the same with mine. I have adults ( 2 years) , 3 month olds and 2 month olds. The youngest rule all. Then the 3 month olds. The adults give in to all the younger sister. Strange for sure. Linda
Well, I created total chaos in the duck pen tonight
Not knowing what caused my Pekin's death, I decided to shut the girls up in the duck house inside the duck pen and I left the boys and the Muscovies in the duck pen. All tucked safe inside behind hard ware cloth walls. I sure hope I didn't make things worse.
Well, I created total chaos in the duck pen tonight
Not knowing what caused my Pekin's death, I decided to shut the girls up in the duck house inside the duck pen and I left the boys and the Muscovies in the duck pen. All tucked safe inside behind hard ware cloth walls. I sure hope I didn't make things worse.

I hope everything is okay, but I can guarantee you that in the morning they will tell you about it!
Quote: HEEHEE. Yes. It's a joke. We came up with finch muscovie because I own 2 zebra finches. Don't own ducks but love ducks so much so in a silly way, to make me feel as though I was a duck owner we came up with mini muscovie finches cuz muscovies are the only domestic duck that roost up higher than a mallard pet duck and my burds fly and roost up high when I let them free range in my downstairs area.

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