The Duck Thread

Poor little thing! Did she hatch fully fluffy? Maybe he's just grown too fast and her fluff hasn't quite kept up. Hopefully it will fix itself.
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Poor little thing! Did she hatch fully fluffy? Maybe he's just grown too fast and her fluff hasn't quite kept up. Hopefully it will fix itself.
The picture at the bottom was about 1 hours after she got out of the incubator and went into the brooder, maybe a day old. She has very thin down when it is completely dry but you can still see her bare skin. She is the yellow duckling at the bottom. It is very noticeable how different she looks. You can still see where the cord was tied around her and how thin her fur is. The pinker spots are her skin.
Notice- please respect other people who's views or different then your own. And please leave me and my family and my pets alone. We came here for help and there is none at these time. I am not confused and I will figur it out with my partners help. I will go ask a vet if I need any more help. My disability I do not want mentioned again it's no one business sept for my family. I don't want it publicly used against me. I try my best to help others based on my own experience .
The picture at the bottom was about 1 hours after she got out of the incubator and went into the brooder, maybe a day old. She has very thin down when it is completely dry but you can still see her bare skin. She is the yellow duckling at the bottom. It is very noticeable how different she looks. You can still see where the cord was tied around her and how thin her fur is. The pinker spots are her skin.
I have a duck that looks like that too... She seems fine, she's a runt and she gets cold easily though, but other the that, She's fine

Posting for the cuteness effect. The gosling in the front was from a horrible place, and animal control was contacted and going there to investigate. Her friend from the same place died, so I went to a different, very nice farm, and was able to purchase a friend of the same age.
Posting for the cuteness effect. The gosling in the front was from a horrible place, and animal control was contacted and going there to investigate. Her friend from the same place died, so I went to a different, very nice farm, and was able to purchase a friend of the same age.
:love Glad you rescued her!

CONGRATS!  Looks like she means business.  I don't know if you have rat snakes, etc. in your area but if so, I would reinforce the chain link fence with some bird netting.  One of my Muscovies went broody this past weekend on 14 eggs and I thought another was going broody on just two eggs, lol.  This is only my third broody.  I lost the second and her eggs to a snake.  I try to get food and water as close as possible.  Watch her to make sure she does get off to eat.  I have read where some will sit for days and have to be encouraged off the nest.  Good luck:fl

Thanks! I thought about reinforcing thr chain link somehow, but the pen is so huge, and we are actually moving in a month, so we are taking things down, not up. I dont know how we are going to deal with her having brand new babies when we are trying to move, but we will figure out something. I threw some mealworms back there and she ate them. The other mallard girl I have is also sitting on that nest occasionally, it's so weird lol. I'm so excited though!

Oh, I am so relieved. She is a cute puff brooding in her tight space. Bless her for making a nest.

Isn't she cute though! I love how poofy she looks.

Posting for the cuteness effect. The gosling in the front was from a horrible place, and animal control was contacted and going there to investigate. Her friend from the same place died, so I went to a different, very nice farm, and was able to purchase a friend of the same age.
Bless and bless you AGAIN. I am so in love with the baby goose gosling with webs on the towel and the precious little child with darker webs. The cuteness factor is HUGE here. Thank you for the delight of adorable burds.
Thanks! I thought about reinforcing thr chain link somehow, but the pen is so huge, and we are actually moving in a month, so we are taking things down, not up. I dont know how we are going to deal with her having brand new babies when we are trying to move, but we will figure out something. I threw some mealworms back there and she ate them. The other mallard girl I have is also sitting on that nest occasionally, it's so weird lol. I'm so excited though!
Isn't she cute though! I love how poofy she looks.
YES. The poofy is what sends ME INTO ORBIT.
YES. The poofy is what sends ME INTO ORBIT.

Good thing you have a tether line so you stay in earth's atmosphere!!

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