The Duck Thread

Here's an updated picture of my Donald's foot from last night. Monday I got home too late to do anything but my DH soaked it in epsom salt and rewrapped it. Last night I pulled a few tiny pieces off but nothing significant and tried squeezing it.

His foot and ankle don't seem swollen any more but his knee is definitely still swollen.
Looking better!
hey all, I have a 15x6 foot pond that's 2 feet at the deepest point for my ducks and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to keep it from turning green, like an arrator or a fountain of some kind. thanks.
Looking even better today.

Any idea of when he will stop limping so bad? Or as long as I am wrapping his foot hole will limp terribly? His knee is still swollen tho too.
The infection is probably into the joint of his knee are you also giving him antibiotics? If not I would get him started on some asap. and are you soaking the entire leg when you soak? Epsom salt water ?@EmilyP
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The infection is probably into the joint of his knee are you also giving him antibiotics? If not I would get him started on some asap. and are you soaking the entire leg when you soak? Epsom salt water ?@EmilyP

We do not have him on antibiotics. We don't have any vets in the area who treat ducks so no place to take him. We are attempting to soak the entire leg but he kind of lifts it out of the water so we do our best to keep it submerged. His foot is looking much better tho and I wonder a little if he hurt his knee from limping around since I can find a specific point where he has pain in the joint. Yes soaking in epsom salt water
hey all, I have a 15x6 foot pond that's 2 feet at the deepest point for my ducks and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to keep it from turning green, like an arrator or a fountain of some kind. thanks.
Yes an airator will work great plus we have a lil three foot fountain filter... our is a bit bigger but it help bunches
My Runners got into a yellow jacket nest last week one had them on her I had to make them run they had never encountered bees before I came in got the Benedryl out and waited to see if the one lil Runner girl was going to show any reaction. She didn't thank goodness I think having Benedryl on hand is a great idea. My gander stepped on a bee of some kind one time and his foot swelled I soaked his foot for 3 nights in Epsom salt water to help get the pain and swelling down.

I've never seen a bee like these but we have Yellow jackets and most of the time your on them and don't know it till they are attacking.

Ow!!! Years ago Zwei stepped on one and was limping, so I put the benedryl on her after checking with someone with more experience. And a few weeks ago Vier suddenly started limping after walking through an area where there were a few honeybees drinking from a puddle. So I put some Benedryl on Vier's foot just to be safe.
We do not have him on antibiotics. We don't have any vets in the area who treat ducks so no place to take him. We are attempting to soak the entire leg but he kind of lifts it out of the water so we do our best to keep it submerged. His foot is looking much better tho and I wonder a little if he hurt his knee from limping around since I can find a specific point where he has pain in the joint. Yes soaking in epsom salt water
Your feed store should carry some antibiotic like Penicillin and [Tetracycline] maybe under a different name so read labels,If the infection is in the joint it most likely will not be resolved by it self. But maybe @casportpony can give some advise i like to refer to her when it is about antibiotics and what is best to use, yes he may have hurt his knee when he was limping just hard to say.
Ow!!! Years ago Zwei stepped on one and was limping, so I put the benedryl on her after checking with someone with more experience. And a few weeks ago Vier suddenly started limping after walking through an area where there were a few honeybees drinking from a puddle. So I put some Benedryl on Vier's foot just to be safe.
Your talking about Benedtyl as an ointment @Amiga I will need to get some all I have is childrens Benedryl. Liquid

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