The Duck Thread

Looks like yours was a female - I don't see any wings. Males have wings but no stinger, so they're pretty harmless. Females don't have wings but they have very potent stings. If they could sting a duck through their feathers it would be really painful for them. They are actually generally very docile though and don't sting unless they're stepped on or picked up.

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about... mine generally don't watch where they put every web...
I'm so jealous! Mine will come running for treats but as soon as they are gone I become the feared one again and everyone takes off
Mine too! Wish I could hold them without them freaking out! LOL
Where are they found? I don't think I have seen any here.

I found this - they can sting.
We have them here in Ledbetter, TX and YES they can sting. It REALLY hurts. Stay away from them. But I don't know if they can/will hurt ducks. They don't seem to mind the dogs sniffing them, but the ducks/chickens might eat them, may be different there.

I think I would contact a vet and find out what kind of antihistamine or other medication would be appropriate to have on hand in case of a sting.

Zwei stepped on a bee, once, and I used a tiny dab of Benedryl on her foot.
My Runners got into a yellow jacket nest last week one had them on her I had to make them run they had never encountered bees before I came in got the Benedryl out and waited to see if the one lil Runner girl was going to show any reaction. She didn't thank goodness I think having Benedryl on hand is a great idea. My gander stepped on a bee of some kind one time and his foot swelled I soaked his foot for 3 nights in Epsom salt water to help get the pain and swelling down.

I've never seen a bee like these but we have Yellow jackets and most of the time your on them and don't know it till they are attacking.
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In late summer, our honeybees kick out all the drones and the worker bees get replaced every 40 days or so, so they're always dropping the deads off the 'front porch'. Anyways, last summer we only had the 2 runner ducks and they had the run of the place...they'd hang out right by the beehives snacking on drones and deads all day. Never seemed to get stung.

With those little red wasp/ants, i'd be concerned that the ducks would try eating them and get stung inside their mouths.

Around here, we put up wasp traps in early spring when the queen wasps are out looking for new nesting places. If you can catch the queen wasp, you eliminate thousands of problems. The wasps can get bad at robbing the honeybees, so we put out pheremone traps. I wonder if there's anything like that for the velvet ants?
Here's an updated picture of my Donald's foot from last night. Monday I got home too late to do anything but my DH soaked it in epsom salt and rewrapped it. Last night I pulled a few tiny pieces off but nothing significant and tried squeezing it.

His foot and ankle don't seem swollen any more but his knee is definitely still swollen.

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