The Duck Thread

To each there own. If everyone was the same this world would be so darn boring. I personally would do what ever it took to protect my family that means all my family from harm. By any means necessary..
Everything I just stated is a repeat of what she put in her post. And chemical poisoning is illegal in many places for a reason. But I'll drop it. It's just something that is upsetting to me. I personally love Ravens, crows, Hawks, owls and eagles and would never kill one.
You need to stop making assumptions and judgments. You don't know anything about her or her situation. Listen to RavynFallen. She is right...
Lol. I love your black swedish. Have you ever seen a splash swedish?

I think a couple of mine are actually splash, because they don't have enough black to be considered black, but I'm honestly not sure. In that top photo, one is almost totally white, he only has a black patch at the base of his tail, and the crested one is about half black / half white. All of my others are fairly black, with mainly just a white bib. I got 3 from my broody's hatch that are solid black.

Coot and duck:



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