The Duck Thread

Momma welshie left them for a few hours Sunday so me and the husband decided to put them in a brooder in the shed with the heat lamp. She wasn't very interested in getting them under her to keep them warm
She didn't even bat an eye when we took them out of the house, all 5 of them were stacked under one wing.
We ended up selling them yesterday (was always the plan to sell them and keep a couple) but the couple wanted all 5 of them so who am I to object to keeping them together! We can always have more! Maybe our Momma's will be a little older and wiser in the spring and it won't be so cold either!
One last pic of our first babies!!!
They are so precious glad you were able to find a home for them so quick and they all get to stay together.
@Miss Lydia , that's awesome he was a wildtype. Where did you get him, and do you have any others?
He actually came from the river down below our home. The people across the river brought home Muscovy's and he was off spring but preds were picking their ducks off because they didn't provide safe housing so him and 2 more drakes and 1 female made their way to the river. I made friends with them but the female was killed and 1 of the other drakes killed one so that only left the 2 Ernie was the one that my female Muscovy's chose as their leader and he came and lived with us. So I had him from age 6 months till this past Feb. He was an awesome drake. I have 5 Muscovy's all total now plus Runners and Buffs.
He actually came from the river down below our home. The people across the river brought home Muscovy's and he was off spring but preds were picking their ducks off because they didn't provide safe housing so him and 2 more drakes and 1 female made their way to the river. I made friends with them but the female was killed and 1 of the other drakes killed one so that only left the 2 Ernie was the one that my female Muscovy's chose as their leader and he came and lived with us. So I had him from age 6 months till this past Feb. He was an awesome drake. I have 5 Muscovy's all total now plus Runners and Buffs.
Wow what a story! That's amazing how you domesticated him!
Hi all
Can I join?
I have a few ducks for eggs and was hoping maybe in the
near future to get
Some breeding ducks or geese.
Thank you Miss Lydia
For telling me about this thread
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Hi all
Can I join?
I have a few ducks for eggs and was hoping maybe in the
near future to get
Some breeding ducks or geese.
Thank you Miss Lydia
For telling me about this thread
@ChickenGrass Your very welcome we're glad to have you. Now we need some pics of your ducks
We love Pics.
Ok thank you.
I will try get some pictures on the weekend,
I will be moving them soon and they will have pond dug Into the ground
They are not show quality and are only used for eggs.
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He actually came from the river down below our home.  The people across the river brought home Muscovy's and he was off spring but preds were picking their ducks off because they didn't provide safe housing so him and 2 more drakes and 1 female made their way to the river. I made friends with them but the female was killed and 1 of the other drakes killed one so that only left the 2 Ernie was the one that my female Muscovy's chose as their leader and he came and lived with us. So I had him from age 6 months till this past Feb. He was an awesome drake.  I have 5 Muscovy's all total now plus Runners and Buffs. :)
Plus some really kissable goose burds.

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