The Duck Thread

i saw that one too, but was hoping that there might be data specifically for ducks.

i found something that said that geese can digest the barley and it's commonly given to fatten them up.

i know anecdotally that our chickens lay better if their feed doesn't have barley (and the barley enzymes) in it. i keep our laying hens on a grower/finisher and supplement with oyster shells and they do way better on that then they do on the layer pellets (contains barley and barley enzymes).

i guess to be on the safe side, i wouldn't give the crushed barley to the ducks on a regular basis until i can find out if they can actually digest the stuff.
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I won't be giving barley to my Muscovies. I would rather be safe. I'll just stick with giving them the same food. I mix it the same way for both the chickens and ducks, and chicks (which is ground smaller in the Vita-Mix) and everyone does fine. I just thought some variety might be good, but why try to fix something when it's not broken.
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Pictures of the pond may have to wait until tommarrow the pond isnt quite full yet and the ducks have been playing in it since i let them out this morning and so i would like it to wash out some of the pine needles and stuff floating on top
@casportpony @RavynFallen My mom is going to take Merlin with her to the vet when she goes to work tomorrow. If all goes well tomorrow, do I need to do anything special for him when he gets back? Oh and should both cheeks be drained tomorrow?
@casportpony @RavynFallen My mom is going to take Merlin with her to the vet when she goes to work tomorrow. If all goes well tomorrow, do I need to do anything special for him when he gets back? Oh and should both cheeks be drained tomorrow?

I think you're good with the kennel you have set up... keeping it and him clean will be the most important until the incisions heal up to avoid an additional infection... vet should give some post-op care instructions and meds if needed (I hope)...

At this point, if at all possible, yes, I would drain both sides... with it going on so long and the antibiotics not knocking it out alone, I think it would be best to get both infection cores cleared out...

Hope all goes well, got my :fl for you and Merlin... please let us know the results...
@casportpony @RavynFallen My mom is going to take Merlin with her to the vet when she goes to work tomorrow. If all goes well tomorrow, do I need to do anything special for him when he gets back? Oh and should both cheeks be drained tomorrow?
Gosh, so sorry to hear Merlin is still having a time of it.
it goes well tomorrow.
HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR everyone! I've been overwhelmed with the holidays, eggs hatching in the incubator and eggs hatching under mamas and two new LGD puppies
But I'm back up now, lol. I hope all are doing well and off to a blessed New Year!

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