The Duck Thread

OK! I am trying to find the little boot for ducks with bumblefoot. I thought I had saved it but can't find it. Anyone know what the name of the company is or where I can find them???

Yes! thank you! I have ordered a pair. Funny when I first put in the order I didn't realize until right before I finished that the cart had only a LEFT in it. Of course I needed a pair, so had to go through it all again to get the pair. LOL

The leapord skin ones cracked me up!!

Thanks again!
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I haven't got a confirmation email for my East Indie ducks yet and its driving me crazy! I ordered them Fri night so its understandable but I want to know for sure!!
My broody Welsh, Daffy, finally came off her nest this morning to eat and drink and my injured
Pekin decided to take over nest duty..... she was not so pleased! But cute!

Less than two weeks till hatch I hope!!!
My broody Welsh, Daffy, finally came off her nest this morning to eat and drink and my injured
Pekin decided to take over nest duty..... she was not so pleased! But cute!

Less than two weeks till hatch I hope!!!

Cute! Hope your Pekin feels better soon..
Are you going to brood the ducklings or let Daffy do it?
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