The Duck Thread

Someone asked the age difference between my ducks and I meant to answer sooner, sorry. It looks like they are a couple of weeks apart.

Jill is still very upset with me. When I tried to hold her last night and today, she flipped out and scratched the snot out of me. My husband picked her up today and she snuggled up under his shirt. At least she likes one of us
It will take time but she'll get over it. Losing her best bud having to newbies brought in is alot for a duckling to handle. Patience is the key here.
Quick Question:I gave my ducklings some afternoon feed,and it is literally stuck in their throught,will this go down after time (as in today to tonight.)

I also realized Medicated chick feed is not the appropriate feed for ducks....
Quick Question:I gave my ducklings some afternoon feed,and it is literally stuck in their throught,will this go down after time (as in today to tonight.)

I also realized Medicated chick feed is not the appropriate feed for ducks....
They need to have plenty of water near by when eating deep enough to dunk their whole head into if they want.
He's probably fine.  Is he acting normal?  Did he have access to different food/plants/different area to forage?  My ducks' poo varies depending on what they've been eating.  If he's acting okay he probably is.

I think you're right, bc its spring he has more access to a lot more dirt which would probably change the color.
Is she mad at you because she knows you are the one who brought in the newbies? I hope in time she can be peaceful with you.

I have wondered if she's mad at me because she saw me trying to revive her friend, so maybe she thinks I hurt him. Poor girl. At least she likes one of us, right?

It will take time but she'll get over it. Losing her best bud having to newbies brought in is alot for a duckling to handle. Patience is the key here. :hugs

Thank you.
I have wondered if she's mad at me because she saw me trying to revive her friend, so maybe she thinks I hurt him. Poor girl. At least she likes one of us, right?
Thank you.
I wonder. I mean, she is mad about something since her behavior has changed towards you. I hope she doesn't think you hurt him. Poor Jill. But as Miss Lydia said, give it time. Sometimes I think these ducks are too intelligent but then that's what makes them so great. Keep us posted on her. I hope she warms up to you again.
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I wonder. I mean, she is mad about something since her behavior has changed towards you. I hope she doesn't think you hurt him. Poor Jill. But as Miss Lydia said, give it time. Sometimes I think these ducks are too intelligent but then that's what makes them so great. Keep us posted on her. I hope she warms up to you again.

Well, she was always standoffish with me. Now she REALLY. Doesn't want to have anything to do with me. But if DH has been able to get her to snuggle, that's a good sign. I may still bring her in the house, yet. Just need to get a diaper for her.

Thank you all for the helpful suggestions and comments on this :)
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It may not have anything to do with the water jug they just go through stages and being afraid of us is a biggie. I have even had my adult ducks who have been hatched and raised here poop on me. and runny poop is pretty normal for ducks. when you say she got stuck in the water jug did she swallow alot of water or just was stuck? How is she other wise interacting with the other duck eating drinking? all poop runny? actually my ducks usually have more runny than solid poop they eat all kinds of bugs, plant material etc. plus their feed what feed are you using? If she is acting normal duckling in every other way then your probably just seeing the dreaded Oh my gosh is she going to eat me phase. Hang in there and just try and sit quietly with them talking softly the phase will pass. And treats what treats are you giving them?
the jug I saw how to make from a link in here, its a gallon milk jug with a hole cut in the side so they can stick their head in and drink. I was upstairs and JoJo( I think the male) started freaking out, I went to see what was wrong and Charlie(the female) was completely inside the jug soaking wet, wiggling and crying, soaking wet. I couldn't get her out I was crying, I though she was going to die. I dumped out the water and finally pulled her out. I wrapped her up and held her but JoJo kept crying not knowing what was going on. So I held them both until my actual daughter threw a fit and wanted me. But they are eating n drinking fine doing the normal duck things she's just scared of me, I don't even know how she got in there, they are still lil yellow ducklings but they are taller than a gallon jug and chubby lik they are huge, their treats are bananas, tomatoes, cottage cheese, veggies. They eat chick starter feed but I give them niacin and supplements in their water. So I guess this is normal!
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the jug I saw how to make from a link in here, its a gallon milk jug with a hole cut in the side so they can stick their head in and drink. I was upstairs and JoJo( I think the male) started freaking out, I went to see what was wrong and Charlie(the female) was completely inside the jug soaking wet, wiggling and crying, soaking wet. I couldn't get her out I was crying, I though she was going to die. I dumped out the water and finally pulled her out. I wrapped her up and held her but JoJo kept crying not knowing what was going on. So I held them both until my actual daughter threw a fit and wanted me. But they are eating n drinking fine doing the normal duck things she's just scared of me, I don't even know how she got in there, they are still lil yellow ducklings but they are taller than a gallon jug and chubby lik they are huge, their treats are bananas, tomatoes, cottage cheese, veggies. They eat chick starter feed but I give them niacin and supplements in their water. So I guess this is normal!
What a traumatic experience for all of ya'll. Glad she is doing okay since. Yes they go through may stages so be prepared. But still stay close and love them even if for now it's from a distance. Keep us updated.
I tried the jug with holes. Thought it would help with the mess. I think they were only a few days old. I cut the holes, I thought only big enough for their heads, but immediately one jumped thru one hole and out the other side. Lucky me. The jug went in the trash! Lol

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