The Duck Thread

No, it's natural to the property, spring fed. Ice freaking cold too! All are mine except the wild mallards, they found our property to be duck friendly!(go figure) Next year I want to do a floating duck house, and to get my federal permit, I have to chain link it in.... Best duck TV station in town!!!
I love duck TV . That would be so cool what does the federal permit allow you to do?
I love duck TV . That would be so cool what does the federal permit allow you to do?
the Canadian geese along with my white call, Peep, were dumped in my pond. One goose has angel wing and two had been pinioned, one is the baby from last year. Our rehabbers are full, so, I need a permit to keep them. The wardens have been monitoring (and very helpful with care and info). They know who had them, and dumped them, just no proof. As for duck TV, didn't realize it was a "thing" until I found BYC!
the Canadian geese along with my white call, Peep, were dumped in my pond. One goose has angel wing and two had been pinioned, one is the baby from last year. Our rehabbers are full, so, I need a permit to keep them. The wardens have been monitoring (and very helpful with care and info). They know who had them, and dumped them, just no proof. As for duck TV, didn't realize it was a "thing" until I found BYC!
So if you get a permit you can keep them for good? I love Canada geese well I love all animals but these geese are just so majestic. I get to watch them fly over morning and evening since we live along a mountain river. Someone dumped a tiny Call duck too. Well they are in a good place now.
So if you get a permit you can keep them for good? I love Canada geese well I love all animals but these geese are just so majestic. I get to watch them fly over morning and evening since we live along a mountain river. Someone dumped a tiny Call duck too. Well they are in a good place now. :)
That's the hope... I have to meet all housing, and sanitation and feed guidelines and follow all vet care standards and I/they will be monitored. I'm fine with that though. I THINK Peep is PERHAPS call. The bill seems wrong and so does the body type (slender). I just don't know anymore! She has full flight and light blue eggs.... Any guesses??? And when the wild mallards aren't around, she does call them in!
here's two of the geese. They have, as a foursome, completely taken responsibility of the Cayuga and mallard babies. They herd and guide and monitor. Everyone must obey!
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You really need to be right there durring the first few meeting's.. Duck's can be mean.. But just so i understand you have 4 duck's? 2 different ages, right? Plus how much space.. Can you integrate them between a fence, so they can not reach threw? If you have to many drakes then yes it might be time to get rid of him, but honestly, you probably introduced them to soon, and would need to interven as soon as he goes after her, or any other's..

You are dealing with 2 different flock's.. It will take time.. Photos of your set up?

Now I have a flock of 8.She is doing fine this morning.

The run is too small,but I plan on keeping the ducklings in their very own house.

The coop is big enough for all of them to sleep on.They have been sleeping together and in the run for a while.they have seen them,they know who they are.My drake should be out of that stage.he is 2 years old and  has settled down ALOT.I might be able to get pictures later.I have noticed my drake hasn't went for the pekin duckling but has beat him,and shews him off.

Good to hear she is fine.. Hopefully you will be able to make your run bigger.. you can run into to many problems if they don't have room to roam.. Plus injury & sickness come with having to many, to close..
Good thing to separate them.. At least untill they get older.. Keep us posted.. & I always love photos..
[COLOR=333333]Would you have stood by and watched the same attack on a puppy by an adult dog?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]There is nothing natural about keeping fowl in runs.  It is up to us to observe and manage our flocks to determine when something is not right and take steps to correct problems.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]If you, "LoveThemBirds," as your screen name indicates you will study, read and implement good Animal Husbandry practices to prevent injury to the flock-mates in your care.[/COLOR]

@Darnbunnies you may be right with your response, but is it really fair to be so harsh and condescending to them? They didn't know, therefore they couldn't have known to do anything. Nature can be cruel, and so can be like you. (Darnbunnies)

Sometimes attacks can happen so fast there is nothing you can do to help or prevent.. Some people respond with up front,some respond with saying it in a loving way & some people just don't listen.. I think it is a easy fix for him/her.. And now we move on..:frow
I have two Cayuga ducklings that are 8 weeks old? Does anyone know how long it takes for them to reach their full size? Thanks :)

They are a medium weight duck. They will be 6-8 pounds.. Drakes could be 1-2 pounds bigger.. Of couse it depends on how much you feed them if you have them caged, or in a run. Do you have a large area so they can rummage for bug's??
. 8 months.. Give or take a month..
They are a medium weight duck. They will be 6-8 pounds.. Drakes could be 1-2 pounds bigger.. Of couse it depends on how much you feed them if you have them caged, or in a run. Do you have a large area so they can rummage for bug's??
. 8 months.. Give or take a month..
Any idea when the drake curl comes in on Cayugas?
They are a medium weight duck. They will be 6-8 pounds.. Drakes could be 1-2 pounds bigger.. Of couse it depends on how much you feed them if you have them caged, or in a run. Do you have a large area so they can rummage for bug's??
. 8 months.. Give or take a month..

8 months? They are probably 4-5 pounds already. (Females). But we have them in a cage at night with pellet food. But we have 10 acres for them to forage as well as a 1 acre pond.

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