The Duck Thread

EEEEEEEEEk.  Debs, thank you for posting.  I am seriously in love.  Your foursome is so cute.  I want to hug him as he spreads his wings.  You know it is actually him opening them up to welcome me.  It is sweet how all 4 of them get along in these photos.  Will the pekins always be bigger than the rouens?

I liked @WVduckchick
's idea to name him Bill since his bill is what just healed.  He justa big puffy upright walkin' webbied footed burd.  

Awwww they are adorable. They just have this face .. Says look at me! I'm so adorbs!

I don't have ducks yet, they arrive next week. I'm so flipping excited!!! I'm constantly looking at pictures here on muscovy's and Pekins!!

But with my chickens (I'm a new flock mommie this summer !!) I went with characters I know for most of them to fit
Their personalities. My little rooster dude is 'The Fonz' but I call him Fonzie. Two of my older girls are Laverne & Shirley. One is Miss Molly. I have 'chicken little' for the littest one of the younger group. I have 16 pullets and 1 cockerel. Eventually I'll get them all named.
No one answered me before so I'll ask again and I really need help!!! Jojo( my Pekin drake) has had diarrhea now for about 3 weeks, its real dark and smells bad! I've gave him probiotics and ACV. Nothing helped, if he needs an antibiotic, what do I give him, I can't afford to take him to a vet? He is eating and drinking good and acting normal, I just know his poo poo isn't normal!!!! Help my baby boy!

Have you tried diatomaceous earth? If you put it in their food and water its a dewormer and all around good maintenance. You can also put it on the ground for them to take dust baths in ECT. It gets rid of pests. You can find it at tractor supply and other places like that!
Oh yes slordaz , you are correct about that and the idea of using the egg's is all about just cleaning them out and the garlic will defiantly give it that extra cleansing we are looking for ...... Thank you ..

Is he getting grit?

The bad smell hints of an infection, based on what I have read.

When something weird showed up in Romy's fecal sample, the doc sent me home with Tylan50.  The dosage, from what I recall and another post on BYC, is 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, or a teaspoon per gallon.  
yes he gets grit , where can I get tylan50?
Oh no.  I hope you can get JoJo some relief, Natasha.  I hate the idea of him having an infection.  I am glad Amiga answered your post.  Please keep posting your questions here about him.  I can't help at all since I do not own ducks.  
I'm gonna try everything that everyone said. I hope something works. I'm on my way to tractor supply to but jojo and charlie a pet gazebo for the garden I Ade today. I'm exhausted!!! Spoiled little kids, and jojo finally has a drake curl!! Yay!

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