The Duck Thread

I got this adorable indian runner duck. He/she thinks it's a chicken. It has been with chicks since hatching. Can anyone give me an idea of what it might look like as an adult? Just curious.
No one answered me before so I'll ask again and I really need help!!! Jojo( my Pekin drake) has had diarrhea now for about 3 weeks, its real dark and smells bad! I've gave him probiotics and ACV. Nothing helped, if he needs an antibiotic, what do I give him, I can't afford to take him to a vet? He is eating and drinking good and acting normal, I just know his poo poo isn't normal!!!! Help my baby boy!

Is he getting grit?

The bad smell hints of an infection, based on what I have read.

When something weird showed up in Romy's fecal sample, the doc sent me home with Tylan50. The dosage, from what I recall and another post on BYC, is 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, or a teaspoon per gallon.
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I got this adorable indian runner duck. He/she thinks it's a chicken. It has been with chicks since hatching. Can anyone give me an idea of what it might look like as an adult? Just curious.
Awww, he or she is adorable. You must be so happy. Cute that he/she thinks he/she is a chicken. Sweet little thing.
No one answered me before so I'll ask again and I really need help!!! Jojo( my Pekin drake) has had diarrhea now for about 3 weeks, its real dark and smells bad! I've gave him probiotics and ACV. Nothing helped, if he needs an antibiotic, what do I give him, I can't afford to take him to a vet? He is eating and drinking good and acting normal, I just know his poo poo isn't normal!!!! Help my baby boy!
Oh no. I hope you can get JoJo some relief, Natasha. I hate the idea of him having an infection. I am glad Amiga answered your post. Please keep posting your questions here about him. I can't help at all since I do not own ducks.
@Debs Flock Wow your baby is beautiful! No matter what name you give him. Honestly the first name that came to mind (after Bill) was Max. That wingspan just looks so majestic and strong. I would vote for a majestic and strong name. Rambo, Zeus, Attila! But I think a name needs to suit a personality, so only you know what would really suit him. Is he silly... protective... shy... friendly... scary... Tell me more! Lol

@WVduckchick &
@Juliebird Thanks! I just love them to pieces!

Well, Diva fit his personality. He's kind of prissy for a duck. Sits down and grazes when the other 3 are walking around foraging. More demanding at treat time. A bit friendlier and more cooperative than the others. If any of the others had hurt their bill, it would have been a fiasco trying to rinse/clean & Neo them.

I do like Bill, Max and Zeus so far.
No one answered me before so I'll ask again and I really need help!!! Jojo( my Pekin drake) has had diarrhea now for about 3 weeks, its real dark and smells bad! I've gave him probiotics and ACV. Nothing helped, if he needs an antibiotic, what do I give him, I can't afford to take him to a vet? He is eating and drinking good and acting normal, I just know his poo poo isn't normal!!!! Help my baby boy!

I have to say this sounds like an infection alright or someone feed the little guy some bean's as I found out the hard way

Alright Amiga , had some good advice there for ya had here is a natural cleaning agent you can try ,,, Scrambled or Hard Boiled Egg's it works in a lot of cases and I have been doing it for years ....

I have to say this sounds like an infection alright or someone feed the little guy some bean's as I found out the hard way

Alright Amiga , had some good advice there for ya had here is a natural cleaning agent you can try ,,, Scrambled or Hard Boiled Egg's it works in a lot of cases and I have been doing it for years ....


I would suggest adding about 1/4 to1/2 clove of crushed fresh garlic depending on size of duck and amount of egg you are doing,to those eggs gander is recomending for it's natural properties it is a super one against bacteria,microbes,fungus, parasites and viruses
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