The Duck Thread


These cuties just arrived this morning

So very nice!! Congradulations :goodpost:
We have cleaned it twice now, and yes the poop smells bad. Its not eating now. Its bill looks pale. My neighbor gave it to me the day it hatched. It didn't walk for 2 days then perked up and seemed great but now has suddenly dropped off. I added nutridrench and electrolytes to its water today and tried giving it some moist food but it won't eat. I have some antibiotic powder but I'm not sure if ducks can even have this antibiotic since they cant have medicated feed

Best thing would be to take it to a vet, but if you can't take it to a vet, can you post a picture of it's poop? How old is it?

Regarding the medicated feed... It's a myth, ducks *can* have feed medicated with amprolium and/or bacitracin. They can also have any of the any antibiotics you can find at a feed store.

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Best thing would be to take it to a vet, but if you can't take it to a vet, can you post a picture of it's poop? How old is it?

Regarding the medicated feed... It's a myth, ducks *can* have feed medicated with amprolium and/or bacitracin. They can also have any of the any antibiotics you can find at a feed store.

Getting the dosage right is where you come in K.
Quote: Wait until you see my latest project... gonna post info regarding all of the powders that we use to medicate poultry and waterfowl. Info will include weight per teaspoon, mg per teaspoon and number of teaspoons needed per gallon.

Did you know that Durvet has two *major* typos on their website?

Here is what it says:

Anyone see what they are?

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Wait until you see my latest project... gonna post info regarding all of the powders that we use to medicate poultry and waterfowl. Info will include weight per teaspoon, mg per teaspoon and number of teaspoons needed per gallon.

Did you know that Durvet has two *major* typos on their website?

Here is what it says:

Anyone see what they are?

Sorry, on a roll... Took me awhile to figure it out, but tI got to thinking that both packs weigh the same and both have 10 grams of medicine, though slightly different types of medicine, so why does one say to use 2.5 times as much as the other?

Should it be teaspoons instead of tablespoons on the oxytet? I know there are 3 tsp in 1 tbsp, and it seems the oxytet is more concentrated (?) and faster absorbing, but I may have misunderstood what I was reading. Chemistry was a long time ago lol

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