The Duck Thread

Here's my uncooperative hooligans. There's a leak in the hose and when they hear the faucet turn, they come RUNNING across the yard.
Time for a new hose....

They've destroyed that particular spot, but hey, not my fault! I wanted one of the hoses that crinkles up when you turn the water off. Hubby thought they were ridiculous, so whatever. We didn't have ducks at the time so I wasn't using a hose SO OFTEN. Lol. Anyhoo! Got one from my sis AT CHRISTMAS. Hubby said, just leave it on so you don't have to work around stuff to get to the spigot. Thanks honey.
I've put up with the hole cuz he's still not a fan of the hose, but I'm the one rolling it up! I shan't ask when I replace it today. The mud hole should speak for itself. They've worked quite hard on it. I didn't actually go out of the way to help, the hose just sits there when I'm cleaning. It's actually taken a while for them to make THAT big of a mess, but all the little holes they've made when the hose leak is elsewhere is making the yard look like an overgrown putt putt course! Good job guys! Off to the hardware store for me! Heh heh.
Haha. Marvelous. The Hooligans are absolutely cute and innocent.
Also, thanks for all the kind words and encouragement, everyone. I've been super stressed lately and that really helps. <3
Awe Kaessa, it is hard going thru what you and and it is a big life change and all I can hope is that things work out for you all.
I love all the wonderful pics!

I was short an egg this morning. Well now I know who is was! Mulch is just too tempting. Who needs a nesting box in the house when you can just lay them outside in the yard.


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