The Duck Thread

Gorgeous! and
So tonight my husband and I are watching a movie and I hear my female who we named Abby squawking which she never does especially at night I tell my husband get the gun a pellet gun he asks why I say something's wrong I hear Abby a ****** raccoon excuse my language I see the ******* on our half wall tries to bite her head off got her beak a little not bad just scratched but got her neck good a puncture at least we cleaned it and put neosporin on it but what else can I do!?! I've had her since she was a baby she's my only female she's breathing fine walking fine just shook up a lot
So sorry that happened!! With punctures you want to clean a couple times a day and don't let them close too fast. They need to heal inside first so they don't seal in bacteria and cause an abscess. I think I would use diluted Betadine or chlorhexidine (if you can find it reasonably priced). Fingers crossed!

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