The Duck Thread

Well, Marvin collected on Saturday. He met our girls and they ran from him. They were not very impressed. So we had to entice them with a bit of food. After a bit they did meet but Marvin wanted to stay with us! He was hand reared so is very human friendly. Wasn,t happy when we put him in his house on his own last night. Today has been complete turn around for all of them Our girls were calling him and he was reluctant to respond. But after a hr or so went to greet them and all is well. They are all best friends now and he has stayed with them all day. He has been to see us once or twice.
Well, Marvin collected on Saturday. He met our girls and they ran from him. They were not very impressed. So we had to entice them with a bit of food. After a bit they did meet but Marvin wanted to stay with us! He was hand reared so is very human friendly. Wasn,t happy when we put him in his house on his own last night. Today has been complete turn around for all of them Our girls were calling him and he was reluctant to respond. But after a hr or so went to greet them and all is well. They are all best friends now and he has stayed with them all day. He has been to see us once or twice.
I'm a new proud duck owner :) and have a question about one of my new little babies. I'm not sure what kind of ducks I have, but one is all yellow (so I'm thinking maybe Pekin?) it is 2 weeks old today, and I just noticed that the areas of skin right by its wings and a few other places are a little red/irritated. I'm not sure what's causing it and just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to be concerned about? I haven't noticed the duck pecking itself really all that much, I have a heat lamp in their brooder with enough room for them to have a little area out of the heat too. Just thought maybe someone had a suggestion? Or could give me some insight on what it might be?? Thank you so much!!!
I'm a new proud duck owner :) and have a question about one of my new little babies. I'm not sure what kind of ducks I have, but one is all yellow (so I'm thinking maybe Pekin?) it is 2 weeks old today, and I just noticed that the areas of skin right by its wings and a few other places are a little red/irritated. I'm not sure what's causing it and just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to be concerned about? I haven't noticed the duck pecking itself really all that much, I have a heat lamp in their brooder with enough room for them to have a little area out of the heat too. Just thought maybe someone had a suggestion? Or could give me some insight on what it might be?? Thank you so much!!!

Is the area scabby or bleeding?
I have a white crested that has VERY pink skin. At first I thought it was irritated to, but turns out to just be normal for her. It was especially noticeable when she was wet from swim time. That area that your referring to around the wings was the first place she started loosing the down, has has taken the longest to feather in.
I'm a new proud duck owner
and have a question about one of my new little babies. I'm not sure what kind of ducks I have, but one is all yellow (so I'm thinking maybe Pekin?) it is 2 weeks old today, and I just noticed that the areas of skin right by its wings and a few other places are a little red/irritated. I'm not sure what's causing it and just wanted to make sure it wasn't something to be concerned about? I haven't noticed the duck pecking itself really all that much, I have a heat lamp in their brooder with enough room for them to have a little area out of the heat too. Just thought maybe someone had a suggestion? Or could give me some insight on what it might be?? Thank you so much!!!

Hello and welcome to BYC! Post a picture if you can.
Quick question for someone with personal or close to personal experience. My ducks had most of her clutch ruined but I managed to save 5 of the 11 eggs. She has made a new nest. How often will she lay? All year? Until she hatches out her own ducklings? I've read multiple different numbers and wanted to ask if anyone had a better idea. She's a mallard. First clutch was laid about 3-4 weeks ago. Now starting again
Quick question for someone with personal or close to personal experience. My ducks had most of her clutch ruined but I managed to save 5 of the 11 eggs. She has made a new nest. How often will she lay? All year? Until she hatches out her own ducklings? I've read multiple different numbers and wanted to ask if anyone had a better idea. She's a mallard. First clutch was laid about 3-4 weeks ago. Now starting again
i do not know if theres a difference between domestic and wild mallards but i know wild ones tend to just hatch one clutch a year. so your girl may just lay till she thinks she has enough or she may lay for awhile.
also want to say all 6 of my ducklings are doing great and seem to be completely better now.

i lowered the feed from 20% protein to 18% and have kept the vitamin powder i had been adding to their water out of their water.

and i have a question i was using the vitamin powder as it has a good amount of niacin in i add it back? and do i keep it in all the time or just maybe a couple times a week? i also have a full bottle of poly-vi-sol(without iron) that i had bought for a chick that i though needed it but ended up not needing it. could i give them that in their water once and while or maybe a couple drops in their mouth? it has an ok amount of niacin in it as well
help hatching mixed ducks in a incubator muscovy and mallerd will they hatch out at the same time they have been in incubator for 7 days now at 99.5 and 60 % and I also have about 5 guinea they all have a peep in them
Our Pekin hen lays one egg every day, but is not at all broody. The Muscovy hens lay heavily from April through October, are very broody and are excellent mothers. Note; all domestic ducks are descended from mallards except Muscovies, which are a tropical tree duck. Other ducks take 28 days incubation, Muscovies take 35 days.

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