The Duck Thread

Muscovies take 35 days incubation, all otherdomestic ducks ( descended from mallards, and a different species entirely from Muscovies) take 28 days.
help hatching mixed ducks in a incubator muscovy and mallerd will they hatch out at the same time they have been in incubator for 7 days now at 99.5 and 60 % and I also have about 5 guinea they all have a peep in them

I just want to be clean the ducks I'm hatching are a mix breed between the Muscovy and mallard so will they take the 28 days or the 35 days to hatch sorry if this sounds stupid I want to make sure the lock down will be right for them and I don't want to kill any one of them
Thank you for your help
My 3 month old Campbell
Hi all,
Just a quick question. Locking up my ducks tonight, on their way in on of them dived off chasing a fly as I watched I noticed it wasn't a fly but a bee. So I thought will a wasp or bee sting hurt a duck?
The bee was too quick and got away, but the duck was close to having it.
Hi all,
Just a quick question. Locking up my ducks tonight, on their way in on of them dived off chasing a fly as I watched I noticed it wasn't a fly but a bee. So I thought will a wasp or bee sting hurt a duck?
The bee was too quick and got away, but the duck was close to having it.
if they catch it and eat it, it'll be fine. I think the insects are more worried about escaping than stinging.

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