The Duck Thread

Hello. I have a concerning question as I am a rookie to duck owning. I have a 2 week old Cayuga whom is now, "balding" along it's backside from it's butt region, stretching upward to it's wings. It appears like a Mohawk. He also is bunked with 4 mallards and 1 Cayuga. They all are 2 weeks old. He is also, the smallest duck of the bunch. I am asking to know, if this is abnormal and or normal? I thought he may be a runt. None of the other ducks have this occurring. Thank-you. :)
I have two lines of thought on this - maybe it's just that I am tired.

I think this may be within the normal range. Please keep an eye on it and keep us posted.

Just in case - how hot is the brooder? Anything he could be scraping his back on? Have you seen any aggression or feather pulling? Is the brooder large enough? Cramped quarters can cause feather pulling. You could try dividing the brooder with plastic poultry fence and see if things improve

Thank-you Amiga! I am unsure if you can view thee above image?
I am also not sure how big the Rubbermaid tub is? It was spacious at the start, now with them increasing in size. I see that it can feel cramped to them. I observe and notice, my Duck (the smallest. The one I am having questions about, Mowgli) tends to do things on his own. I do not view any of the ducks pecking at him and or excluding him. They all sleep well together from the get.
Also, the brooder has been set at 80° from the beginning. At times, I take them out to the kitchen on the hard wood to roam.
At this time, there has been no objects for any of them to scrape upon.
I will be sure to keep updates. I appreciate your time, greatly. Also, I hope you find rest soon.
Thanks again. :)
The last of the four finally pipped but it is lower than all the others.... more towards the middle - on the side of the egg. I hope he'll be okay!
Mother Buttless hatched all 4 eggs! Someone wants to take 3 tomorrow. When is it safe to take them from Mom? If I leave one with her will she be content? I hate to see them go but there's another duck sitting on 15 eggs and if they all hatch in 3 weeks . . . **** those drakes!

Guess I shouldn't have named them (Sneaker, Goldie, Tux & Zorro). Makes it harder to let go.

Any more suggestions on what exactly this hair loss that is occurring on my 2 week old Cayuga, Mowgli? The other 4 Mallards and 1 other Cayuga (all at the same age) have not had this occur. Thank-you to those in advance for help. :)
Oh, question, what breed of duck is this? When I first saw it I thought it was a Buff, but then other photos I've seen of Buff Drakes since didn't really look like him. I've only had ducks a few months now, so still learning. I went to my local flock swap like a month ago with some extra pullets I needed to sell. A woman showed up with her daughters and this pet duck who really needed a mate. She said she had kept putting off rehoming him as she worried he would end up on someone's table. She was really happy when I told her I could give him a home with some girls as a pet. She didn't want money for him, so I gave her some Easter Egger pullets since she wanted to just keep chickens. Anyway, she didn't know what breed he was, just that he was about a year old.
Khaki Campbell drake.
That looks like picking by other ducks. I'd keep an eye on that!
Could well be. I think a new brooder is needed, one that has a section for Mowgli, so that they can all see each other and even sit side by side, but with a fence between them so the others cannot pick at Mowgli. Sometimes these things just happen. But the crowding could affect that. So,time for a more spacious brooder with two sets of waterers and feeders. I understand. We brooded eleven.

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