The Duck Thread

wow i just goggled how many eggs a duck lays... i never thought the lay 1 per day and sometimes 2... we might get some ducks :D are the eggs bigger and are good to eat?

Duck eggs are bigger than chicken eggs. The yolk of duck eggs is bigger and richer than chicken eggs. Duck eggs are awesome for baking. Ducks are great insect control. Ducks are fun to watch splashing around in a pool and can be very nice pets. But a duck is very messy, they poop a lot and have no control over that bodily function. So if you are holding the duck, you can get poo on you. Their poo is great for the grass however.
good, but would a creek nearby and other ducks matter?

I don't have experience with that. My best safety advice would be to have a covered run for them and let them out to free-range only when you are supervising. First get them used to you, home, food, treats, and coming to you when you call. I would start with a trio or more of day old ducklings so they can bond with you as much as possible and each other. They are then very flock oriented usually and stay together everywhere.
I don't have experience with that. My best safety advice would be to have a covered run for them and let them out to free-range only when you are supervising. First get them used to you, home, food, treats, and coming to you when you call. I would start with a trio or more of day old ducklings so they can bond with you as much as possible and each other. They are then very flock oriented usually and stay together everywhere.

oh okay thanks
and would a duck get along/into the pecking order with 10 chickens?

We keep our ducks and chickens together in the same coop. After a brutal winter that had them confined quite a bit we made some changes to the coop for health and cleanliness. We added poop boards with Sweet PDZ (zeolite) and more ventilation. This keeps the chickens from pooping on the ducks and helps keep the moisture down in the coop. So far, we are loving it. Here's a pic.


I'm definitely going to get one duck! we are also going to get 1 barred rock chick could we put both the duckling and chick in the same heat box?

I would highly advise against getting only one duck. Although the ducks and chickens can "get along" fine, they aren't suitable companions. What will your pullet do when your duck decides to take a swim in the creek? Your sweet duck will become a loner and you will lose it.
We keep our ducks and chickens together in the same coop. After a brutal winter that had them confined quite a bit we made some changes to the coop for health and cleanliness. We added poop boards with Sweet PDZ (zeolite) and more ventilation. This keeps the chickens from pooping on the ducks and helps keep the moisture down in the coop. So far, we are loving it. Here's a pic.

I would highly advise against getting only one duck. Although the ducks and chickens can "get along" fine, they aren't suitable companions. What will your pullet do when your duck decides to take a swim in the creek? Your sweet duck will become a loner and you will lose it.
nice neat pen,

hm... how would two female ducks do?
I'm definitely going to get one duck! we are also going to get 1 barred rock chick could we put both the duckling and chick in the same heat box?

I forgot to mention that it is difficult to brood chicks and ducklings together. Ducklings grow so much faster than chicks. We had ours together at first and lost a chick because a duckling crushed it. Ducklings are also much messier with their food and water and need a waterer that is deep enough to dunk their heads in to wash eyes and nares. That is dangerous for chicks who can then drown in it.
I forgot to mention that it is difficult to brood chicks and ducklings together. Ducklings grow so much faster than chicks. We had ours together at first and lost a chick because a duckling crushed it. Ducklings are also much messier with their food and water and need a waterer that is deep enough to dunk their heads in to wash eyes and nares. That is dangerous for chicks who can then drown in it.

oh okay separate boxes then :D

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