The Duck Thread

This is Hephaestus! Do you see what I mean about her being too big? Also, that dark part in the lower right "corner" of the egg, is that blood vessels, or the placenta? And is that yolk I see? This is why I've been hesitating to help her too much, because I can't tell what that is.

And Zeus outside! We were only out there for five minutes tops, though. It wasn't as warm as I thought it was, and Zeus was starting to shiver a bit, so I brought him inside.
Get the top part of the egg off of her very gently if you see blood stop. let her stay in the bottom half of the egg shell and get the rest of the way out by herself. If she still needs to bsorb the yolk sac staying in the lower half of the shell will give her time to do it. and poor Zeus why are subjecting him to extreme temps ? you do want these ducklings to make right?
I live in Texas, and the outside was as warm as his brooder is now. I guess it got cooler in my backyard on my way home from work, because I assure you, it was at least 100*F when I left work. I definitely want these ducklings to live. If I didn't, would I really be wasting my time here asking for help? It was the same temp last year, and I was told to let my ducklings spend some time outside from day one when I had ducklings last year. It isn't like I tossed him outside for an hour unsupervised. I brought him outside to enjoy the sun, noticed he got cold, and immediately brought him into his warm brooder.

By top do you mean the bigger round end, or do you mean the current top, where the number is?
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I live in Texas, and the outside was as warm as his brooder is now. I guess it got cooler in my backyard on my way home from work, because I assure you, it was at least 100*F when I left work. I definitely want these ducklings to live. If I didn't, would I really be wasting my time here asking for help? It was the same temp last year, and I was told to let my ducklings spend some time outside from day one when I had ducklings last year. It isn't like I tossed him outside for an hour unsupervised. I brought him outside to enjoy the sun, noticed he got cold, and immediately brought him into his warm brooder.

By top do you mean the bigger round end, or do you mean the current top, where the number is?
yes the round part of the egg you want to leave the duckling in that part not the pointy part. Just peel not quite half way down so if egg sac is still not absorb it will remain inside the shell till it does. If you can get her head out so she can get some good oxygen she may get her second wind and get out of quicker. just keep an eye on the membrane
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Well, now I'm utterly stumped, unless I've mis-read something. In the assisted hatch post, I remember reading that you should gently pick off the shell where the air sac is. I had already zipped around that and the shell on the top is already almost off. But I did manage to get a better look, and that dark area and the yellow looks more like fluff, not a yolk or veins.
Yes, I often read her posts on other threads. I hope I didn't sound like I was disregarding what she said. I was just making the comment that I had read other advice, and had already followed said other advice before Miss Lydia posted. No worries, I'm being extra extra careful. I haven't seen any blood since I last saw blood, but I'm still taking breaks. I think tonight will be another long night.
I have 6 mallards. They are 4 to 5 weeks old right now. I have a lot of chickens and always have more from spring to fall, then I butcher extras that don't make the cut.
I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but do have some questions. I plan on over-wintering them in the coop with the chickens. They can free range in the winter. I feed fermented feed, it is layer feed, cracked corn and BOSS. Is that something the ducks can eat when they are old enough for layer?
Hello everyone. I have kept chickens for years. I did have a duck as a child, but kept it at the neighbors with their ducks and did not have to deal with the primary care. I planned on not getting ducks until next year and having their spot all set up ( no matter how much begging from my daughter). It seems my dh was not so strong willed. He brought these cuties home.

I have been reading through the threads on here for info on ducks. I'm sure ducks are like chicks...and hard to tell what kind until they get feathers....but if anyone has any ideas on what kinds of ducklings are black please share. :) thanks!
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yes the round part of the egg you want to leave the duckling in that part not the pointy part. Just peel not quite half way down so if egg sac is still not absorb it will remain inside the shell till it does. If you can get her head out so she can get some good oxygen she may get her second wind and get out of quicker. just keep an eye on the membrane 
you pick off the big/air cell side of the egg off and leave the chick/duckling in the pointy end.

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