The Duck Thread

Can anyone tell me what's wrong withy Pekins eye? He has no nasal discharge and his breathing is clear. He isn't lethargic. Seems just to be a swollen watery eye. Anything I can do to treat it? Thanks for any help!

you can get veterycin eye drops and apply them to both eyes daily as prescribed. I would flush the eye with sterile saline solution first.
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Miss Lydia, I didn't think so. I kept the water in my ff jar at least one inch above the food. I drained it (kinda; I would strain out most of the water, but there was always water) and still changed it out and washed it everyday. I think he died of loneliness.
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Lol he was definitely eating and drinking. He would eat about half of what I put in the bowl, and when I changed his water (once a day to once every other day) I always saw food and stuff in there. On the morning of his week-old birthday, I gave him very mashed up broccoli in water. I was watching him while he ate it, so I know he didn't choke.

Like I said, I think he was too lonely. I don't have the time to devote to just one duckling. At least more than o e ducklings are able to keep each other from being too lonely. Sigh... Poor Zeus. )':
Im struggling finding appropriate feed for these ducks...and also struggling finding niacin that is not flush-free. This is what led to me looking for a better feed. Does anyone here have any experience with Dumor feeds from TSC? I was unable to find any food other than chick starter at the local feed store and drove an hour away today to see if I could find anything. I ran across chick starter/grower 20%. It specifically states it is "a complete feed for starting chickens, ducks and geese; and growing chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, pheasant and chukars. It doesn't list the amount of niacin in the ingredients. Any input would be great....I just want these ducks to have what they need! Thanks in advance.
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Im struggling finding appropriate feed for these ducks...and also struggling finding niacin that is not flush-free. This is what led to me looking for a better feed. Does anyone here have any experience with Dumor feeds from TSC? I was unable to find any food other than chick starter at the local feed store and drove an hour away today to see if I could find anything. I ran across chick starter/grower 20%. It specifically states it is "a complete feed for starting chickens, ducks and geese; and growing chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, pheasant and chukars.  It doesn't list the amount of niacin in the ingredients.  Any input would be great....I just want these ducks to have what they need! Thanks in advance.

I don't know about that feed, never used it, but you can just add brewers yeast to the duck feed. It's high in niacin. That's what we do.

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