The Duck Thread

The swede's I got from Beaglady fly
. I watched one I was trying to return to his fencing go OVER the fencing. Luckily it was only once. Other than that they all seem happy.

I do have the runners, but i'm still not sure im keeping them. They are too small in frame to be dual purpose birds - as cute as they are. I may have to think about some KC's because I need both eggs and meat.

Anyone got any tips, advice, experience in raising ducks for meat? I already have a market for them.
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I agree its best they can't fly.  My favorite part of the day is right before the sun goes down all the critters are scattered across the yard looking for one last snack.  It's just so peaceful.  Hearing about your zoo makes me want to expand mine haha  I just really enjoy my critters.

I love your names by the way.  Besides Maverick and Goose we have a rooster named Magnet and his hens; Noodle, Supper, Hook, Naughty, Trouble, Sass, Pearl, Banana, Omelet, Scramble, and two chicks that aren't named yet. (have to see what gender we're dealing with :) )  Maybe I'll name one Henry if it's a cockrel to carry on the memory of Henriegga. She was my most favorite hen.

Then there are the fur babies.  A German Shepherd named Hunter and a Shetland Sheepdog named Chuck.  Can't forget those two.

I am running out of names for all these critters, lol. We have the momma cat, a calico named Patches, who is finally spayed! We have a dark calico cat named, Midnight. She is my older son's pet. My youngest son has a black and white cat named , Kiki. We ended up stuck with a light calico who looks nearly identical to her mother Patches. She is named Kagura. My daughter has a cat, a grey calico, named Lestile. She appeared to liked Lestate from Interview with a Vampire that much, lol. I dont count Lestile as part of our cat count because my daughter and her are off to college. Lestile is from Patches 2nd litter. We were going to have her spayed, but she ripped out my window and got pregnant again, little rat. Midnight, Kiki, and Kagura are from Patches last litter. This past November I heard a kitten in distress all night and most of the day. Finally found her freezing to death in my tree. I got her down, had to bottle feed and keep her in my shirt for 3 days because of how close to death she was. She is a grey tabby with white splashes, named Kiari. My kids were really into Japanese anime at the time, it's why the poor cats have such strange names, lmao.

We have a Belgain Malinois mix named Rascal. Rascal has 1 floppy ear that just reminded me of Alfalfa from Littler Rascals and it stuck, lol. We have a female rottwieller who came to us named Fiona, after Shrek. A female Siberian who came to us named Sasha. A female Siberian named Dawn because of the way her light copper markings and her blue eyes mixed reminded me of the dawn. A female Siberian named Cheyenne because she has wolf like markings and mask. A male Siberian named Phantom of the Opera because he won't shut up and his singing is enough to shatter glass, lol. Phantom and Dawn both have to have the last word in any arguments we have, which I find hilarious. They obey, but not until they let us know how displeased they are with the command, lol. All these guys keep me on my toes. Especially Phantom, who we are training for conformation showing. Little bugger is smart and stubborn.

If I had to name all 26 chickens I'd go insane, just coming up with the names would be bad enough, but keeping the names to the right chickens would be impossible. We have 5 BRs, 7 RIRs, 6 BOs, 6 BAs, and 1 SLW. I basically gave them a breed name, we have Speckles for the BRs, except for Queeny, lol. The BOs are Goldie, the RIRs are simply Red, the BAs are Blackie, and the SLW is Butthead, yes she is female but still a pain in my a**.. Not very original, but much, much easier for me.
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Youve got your work cut out for you LOL

I had a thread not too long ago looking for possible names. There was a person who had quite the list of names for her chickens. It was neat each had their own category; like one group had egg incorporated and another was lord of the rings names, etc. I figure I worked on a farm with over 75 horses, multiple cats, dogs, goats,etc...maybe I can "borrow" some names if need be ha!
The swede's I got from Beaglady fly :/ .  I watched one I was trying to return to his fencing go OVER the fencing.  Luckily it was only once.  Other than that they all seem happy.

I do have the runners, but i'm still not sure im keeping them.   They are too small in frame to be dual purpose birds - as cute as they are.  I may have to think about some KC's because I need both eggs and meat.

Anyone got any tips, advice, experience in raising ducks for meat?  I already have a market for them.
I recommend welsh harlequin for a good dual purpose bird. They lay like crazy.

Really?  Mine fly like bricks.  You must have a very athletic Swede haha
maybe it's a blue Swedexblue runner

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