The Duck Thread

Sadly, the happy duck from the pictures above has been put to sleep. A couple days ago, we noticed a couple flies bothering Daphne. We didn't think much of it, we thought maybe they just bothered her. This morning we looked at her, and saw that her whole back half of her body was featherless and brown. (The night before she was all white). Unfortunately, she must've had a wound that attracted flies to her. The flies must've laid eggs on her, and the maggots were eating her tissue and feathers. Later today, we couldn't find her. Finally, we did and tried to clean her off a little bit before we took her to the vet. The poor thing had bugs all over her, and she smelled terrible. When we got there, the vet had said that the damage was extensive and it would be really hard to treat. We decided to put her down just in case she was suffering. We originally thought she had gone to die, anyways. But it is heartbreaking to lose such an innocent, beautiful creature. She also happened to die on my late Grandma's birthday. RIP Daphne!

So very sorry..
Sadly, the happy duck from the pictures above has been put to sleep. A couple days ago, we noticed a couple flies bothering Daphne. We didn't think much of it, we thought maybe they just bothered her. This morning we looked at her, and saw that her whole back half of her body was featherless and brown. (The night before she was all white). Unfortunately, she must've had a wound that attracted flies to her. The flies must've laid eggs on her, and the maggots were eating her tissue and feathers. Later today, we couldn't find her. Finally, we did and tried to clean her off a little bit before we took her to the vet. The poor thing had bugs all over her, and she smelled terrible. When we got there, the vet had said that the damage was extensive and it would be really hard to treat. We decided to put her down just in case she was suffering. We originally thought she had gone to die, anyways. But it is heartbreaking to lose such an innocent, beautiful creature. She also happened to die on my late Grandma's birthday. RIP Daphne!

Awww how sad.
Hatcheries are a great place to start! I don't trust hatcheries. Not since getting boxes of death. Once of Meyers and once from Ideal. I'd rather hatch eggs. At least they don't suffer if they are delayed in the mail, they just don't develop.

It seems finding hatching eggs is very difficult. I personally have not sold any this year. I've been so busy, that the delicate work involved with taking super good care of hatching eggs to be sold seemed to be too much. Plus all the rain makes for muddy eggs. Even if the nest is clean, their muddy feets from playing in the water makes for muddy eggs. And muddy eggs might make for poorer hatches.

I love the egg a day from Magpies! It is fantastic! i hope your hen has a good hatch of baby duckies!

If you do decide to, please keep me in mind. Thanks for responding :)
A few posts back I mentioned that I installed a do it yourself pond filter on one of my ducks bigger pools, and I'd just like to say this is Day 3 the day I usually change their water and I can still see the bottom of the pool ( not the impossible to see through brown green usual ). All I had to do was top up the pool with a little extra water and clean the pump off, as it's a submergible pump and it got clogged up with grass and such that the ducks drug into the pool.
Exciting! Hopefully this idea will save all the duck lovers here some time, labour and water! :)

Oops I wrote on wrong post
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Prices of duck eggs vary by region, purpose and availability. Depending on where you live, what you want to use them for and how easy it is to find them around you.

Hatching eggs are obviously more expensive than eating eggs and usually get shipped. They can range from $0.50 to over $50 for one egg. Plus the cost of shipping.

Eating eggs are usually sold for about $3/dozen up. Maybe some people from your region should answer that question for you then.

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