The Duck Thread

I got them from Metzer, and I only ordered six. They send heat packs for any orders less than ten, so it should come with a heat pack. I got two Welsh Harlequins, two Cayugas, a Blue Swedish and a Buff. With my pekin and mallard that I already have, it's gonna be one mixed flock!
That will be a nice flock. and lovely to look at.
I got them from Metzer, and I only ordered six. They send heat packs for any orders less than ten, so it should come with a heat pack. I got two Welsh Harlequins, two Cayugas, a Blue Swedish and a Buff. With my pekin and mallard that I already have, it's gonna be one mixed flock!

Oh oh, suck math has taken root!
We only had a handful too, then it exploded! Now we got about 58 ducks and 7 different breeds. Oh boy, lots of work but lots of fun too! Just the strategic handling and planning is a bit... let's just say... on and off?! Lol
Oh my gosh so precious I do believe they are just the prettiest lil girl ducks I have seen in a while. Enjoy your day.

Aww, thank you. Now time to bundle up and get ready for the rain for the next few days

Lol, runners make me chuckle because they remind me of meerkats or prairie dogs on sentry duty. Very beautiful ducks though!

Oh my goodness, I did NOT realize that waiting for the ducklings I ordered would be so hard! I have gotten pretty much everything I need for them, so now I'm just counting down the days like a child at Christmas. I want my fluffy duckies now =[

My blue runner reminds me of a dinosaur. Waiting is always so hard and I was counting down the days when my arrived. They do make great birthday presents though! I would love to see how your Cayuga turns out! I really wanted one but Metzer called me the day mine were suppose to ship and they were out of females. That's how I ended up with my dawn and white runner.
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So I have a question. Does anyone know what a male mallard's courting behavior looks like? I noticed Potato doing this puzzling behavior where he jerks his head straight down and kinda slaps his head and neck on the ground and then flaps his wings. It's like when they dunk their heads in the water, but instead it's on the muddy ground. Just curious.
Lol I wondered if that was what it was about. My fiancé thought that he was trying to clean himself in mud since the kiddie pool hasn't been very full lately, so he filled it up all the way and herded him in the water, but I'm not so sure that's the reason.
How is everyone's flocks fairing this cold weather? I'm in WV getting snow right now with very cold temps. Didn't leave the ducks out of their small pen today because I was worried they'd get frost bit in the snow. Just gave gem fresh water, a cup or two of millworms and some grain (other than their daily feed). I hope they are ok out there!
Is there any part of docks hat are more susceptible to frost bite than others?
We got a good amount of snowfall the other night, so today I shoveled some snow out of the outside pen to give my ducks somewhere to walk and access to their pool. Then I shepherded them outside so I could clean their inside pen. I had barely gotten started when those two crazy ducks came bursting back inside and flapping and quacking. Waffles just sat in her water dish and watched me work. So I herded them back outside and finished up. Then they didn't want to go back inside. Sigh, so I would say my ducks are getting along fine this winter, as indecisive as ever, lol.

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